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Andy's P.O.V

After Bella's melt down and talking about everything she fell asleep in my arms as I carried her back to the car and the restaurant. The entire time I kept on seeing the image of her so broken and crying. It broke my heart to see her like this, but she is mine now and I will do anything I can to make her happy. We finally got back to the car and I laid her down in the back seat since the ride wasn't very long I left her like that and climbed into the front seat. I pulled out of the parking lot and turned on the Falling in reverse Just Like You album. We were about 10 minutes from the house when a driver came rushing pasted us and then moving in front of my car and hit us.

"Bella!" I screamed before everything went black.

Jinxx's P.O.V

Me and the guys were eating pizza watching nightmare before Christmas when my phone went off.

(J= Jinxx, D= Doctor)

J - hello?

D- Hello is this Jeremy Ferguson?

J- um yes my I ask who is calling?

D- this is Dr. Harris calling from the hospital, I'm sorry to tell you but your sister Bella Ferguson has been in a car accident with her boyfriend and we need you to come to the hospital ASAP.

J- oh my god yeah I I'LL be there in a minute thank you for calling.

My mind was going crazy while I told the guys what happened and they quickly got up and left with me to the hospital. When we got there I practically ran to the desk.

"I need information on Bella Ferguson please" I told the receptionist

"Who are you?" She asked looking me up and down

"I'm her brother and I need to see her" I said angry

"Alright room 173" she said then CC ran past me to the room What the Fuck? I got to the room and saw cc talking to Bella

"Oh my god Bella are you okay?" I asked coming to her side of the bed

"Um who are you? " she asked voice shaky, those words broke my heart.

"I - I'm your brother" I told her trying not to cry.she looked at me then nodded. Then the doctor and Andy walked into the room.

"Bella I'm so sorry babe" Andy pleaded ran in over to her as she had a confused look on her face the doctor piped up

"She has amnesia we do not know when it will go away or if it ever will but for now you guys will have to help jog her memory." She said then walked out the door

"Okay well Bella I'm your brother Jeremy and this is my Band Black Veil Brides which is also our family and you are dating Andy do you remember any of that?" I asked with hope full in my voice

"I-I remember you guys but but I'm dating CC not Andy, he's mean to me" she answered.

"WHAT?!" Me , Andy, Jake,and Ashley said at the same time but not CC which gets me think if he set this up or not

" no no no I'm your boyfriend we went to dinner tonight we talked and got to know eachother more
Please please remember me" Andy pleaded while having tears roll down his face .

"I'm sorry" she replied sadly.

~~~~1 WEEK LATER~~~~~~~~~~~

Andy has been moping around the house for a week so far and Bella still thinks she hates him. I haven't seen Andy this bad besides when Juliet died. I don't know what to do...

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Hey guys again sorry for taking so long people *cough cough * courtney have been telling me to hurry up...
But yeah BYE!!

Andy pissed☆

Listening to Dear Dad -BMike

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