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Andy's P.O.V

*3 months later* (yeah I know big jump but nothing was happening )

I woke to the beautiful girl I call mine. Her leg was wrapped around me and she was snuggled into my chest, I never wanted to leave but I had to start packing. We are going on Warped tour tomorrow, at 3am the bus is coming so we have to be packed tonight. I wiggled out of her grip and walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After I got out I put on a pair of sweats and a black T-shirt and made my way down stairs. I got to the kitchen and made some coffee and some Ego waffles cause I don't know how to cook for myself. I sat down on to couch with my "meal" and put on The Big Bang Theory. Once I finish my food I placed my dishes in the sink and walked up stairs to get ready. When I got to my room the shower was running and Bella was no longer in bed so she must be taking a shower (duh). So I got my suitcase and started to pack.

"Hey babe, why are you packing?" Bella asked getting out of the shower still wrapped in her towle

"Umm didn't I tell you?"

"No, tell me what?"

"Warped is tomorrow"

"Oh so you guys are leaving"

"Well not just us guys your coming to I could have sworn I told you about this"

"Maybe you did and I forgot some how, but what would I be doing I feel like I'd be in the way"

"Well you'd be just hanging out but if you want to do something your a photographer so you could take pictures for/of us"

"Okay" she said walking away to get changed. I just kept packing till I heard a scream. I bolted out of the room to Bella's room, I ran in to find her on her bed still wrapped in her towle with a vase in hand. How the fuck did she get that.

"What's wrong?!" I yelled

"There is a gaint fucking spider in my wall kill it pleaaaseee"

"Oh my- okay" I released to breath I guess I was holding in. I grabbed the near by show and smushed (did I spell that right?) the spider and walked out of the room.

*~~~Time Laspe to 3am ~~~*

Bella's P.O.V

"Bella...babe it's time to get up" I awoke to Andy shaking me

"What time is it?" I asked feeling like I only got 3 hours of sleep

"2:55am" and I was right I did only get that much sleep. "Come on the bus is here"

"Mmmm fine but I'm going in my PJ'S"

"Fine by me you look cute in those shorts" Andy said while grabbing my bags and walking out. I got up and grabbed the last few nessesary things, chargers,laptop, glasses and contacts; all those good things then walked out of the room and walked down stairs, well more like fell down the rest.

"Ouch" I said getting up and slipping on my Chucks and walking out side to the bus. I walked up the stairs and opened the door and walked in to bus "Holy shit"


Cliffhanger! Sorry it took so long to update! Buuttt if anyone like Pierce the Veil I just uploaded a new story called love at first..wedding? About Jaime so if you would like please go and read that! I hope you have an amazing day/night. Bue!!!!

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