Car Ride

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Bella's P.O.V.

After I got my cast on I walked out to see the asshol ,that I dont even know the name of, yelling at Ashley and Ash yelling back so I walked up to Ash and took him outside to the car.

"Ash im fine really" I lied the guys voice has been going through my head non stop. You're no good for him anyway. just  kept replaying in my head which brought more words. You're fat. don't eat. you'll never be a pretty girl. I dont know whats wrong with I haven't been like this for a month. " What's his name?" I asked Ashley

" I think it's Matt" He replied staring at me intensely. Just then the boys got in the car.

"Sooo where to?" CC asked breaking the silence

"Can we just go home im kinda tired" I said shifting in my seat.

"Sure" Jeremy said starting  the car. The ride there was pretty silent. Once we got home I just walked up to my room and layed on my bed. God you're so fat you nasty ass hoe Andy doesn't actually like you nobody does.  At this point I got up and walked to the bathroom connected to my room. I sat there sitting beside my toilet once again about to get rid of all my weight. I propped myself up on my good arm and took a toothbrush in the other. Shoving to the back of my throat causing me to get rid off any food I ate today. Once I finished I brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush. I walked into my room and flopped on my bed falling into darkness right when a figure walked into my room.

Ashley's P.O.V

I'm really worried about Bella I know everything about her not even stuff Jinxx nor Andy knows. I used to self harm and purge herself. Everyone thinks she has stopped selfharm since shes got here and they don't no about her being bulimic. But she has cut herself twice since shes got here once she had to go the hospital which only I know about cause I found her and went with her. I breaks my heart to know that my little sis does this to herself. I started walking to my room when I the water in Bellas bathroom running which scared the shit out of me. I walked into the room to see her fall on her bed. At this point I was terrified because I don't know if she fall asleep or passed out. I ran up to her and checked her wrist, hips,stomach,and thighs to make sure there were not any fresh cuts which thank god there wasn't. I shooked her a little to see if she would respond. 

"Hmm, Hi Ashley" She said with her eyes full of sleep, but still not making eye contact with me which means she did something."I'm sorry I just couldn't take it anymore" She cried in my shoulder.

"Shhh it's okay hun" I said pulling her into my lap, usually I would be think about sex right now but she is my sister and thats nasty.

"Ashley, I'm tired" She said yawning.

" Okay babygirl go to sleep" I replied at this she snuggled closer to me and started fall asleep as I hummed Savoir. Soon enough she fell asleep and i was about to.


Hia beautifuls, I just wanted to say that all of you are beautiful in every way possible and never give up there is someone out there that would die for you.Have a good day/night. Peace!!

Listening to Die For You~ Falling in reverse.. Jacky's gone!! (Cries for eternity)

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