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Bella's P.O.V

I woke up still wrapped in Andy's arms. I looked over at the clock on the night stand and it was already 10 in the morning. I tried to wiggle out of the beasts arms with out waking him but his grip tighten around my waist once I did so.

"Andy, I need to go talk to Jeremy can you please let go?" I asked as softly as I could. Today I was gonna get a tattoo but I wanted to ask my brother what place he goes to.

"But I don't want to your so warm" Andy said in a childish voice hugging me tighter

"I will come back after I talk to him, okay?" I replied finally getting up

"Fine but you better hurry up" He said letting me win for once. I walked down stairs to the living room where everyone was.

"Oh Bella better go down to the store and get a test" Ashley yelled when I walked in and Jinxx slapped his arm

"What te- ohh, ew Ashley no! That's one card I still have in my deck" I told him and went to sit next to Jinxx on the couch

"You don't know how happy I am to here that" Jinxx chuckled

"Haha yeah, um I was wondering where do you get your ink done at?" I asked nervously

"Um at Art & Soul Tattoo why you want something? " He asked

"Ah yeah I was gonna get one today" I replied less nervously then before

"Cool, can I come?" Jinxx asked

"Me too, and I'll pay it'll be like a late birthday present" Jake asked as well

"Yeah of course you guys can come but Jake you really don't have to pay" I said shaking my head

"No I want to its a gift" He replied instantly, then Andy came downstairs

"First you lied to me and second I just released that I never got you anything for your birthday" Andy said with a raspy morning voice

"We were just talking about that why don't you go get ready and go out and bye your girlfriend something then meet us back here and we will go out for dinner" Ashley commented, then Andy nodded gave me a kiss then walked back upstairs "Okay now you also go get ready then we will take you out" He said once more then I walked up to my room. I put on my white shorts with fishnets under then then but on my old Iron madden shirt and black doc martens. I straightened my hair and did my everyday winged eyeliner and red matte lipstick. I didn't bother to put on my bracelets because I was getting the tattoo on my wrist and the boys were gonna see it anyways. I walked down stairs and outside to find all the guys in a all black Escalade then I climes in the back and we were off.
~~~~~~~skipping car ride~~~~~~~
We all walked into the place and they all looked at us and smiled

"Hi my name is Katy, who here is gonna get a tattoo?" The lady at the desk asked

"Um me" I said raising me hand slightly

"Okay come on back and we'll start talking about what you want, are all you guys coming back?" She asked looking at the boys

"Yes if that's okay" Jake replied

"Oh of course we always like people to support our clients" Katy said and smiled then told us to follow her to the back " Okay so what's your guys names"

"I'm Bella Ferguson, that's Jake Pitts, Ashley Purdy, CC and my brother Jeremy but we call him Jinxx" I replied pointy to each boy

"Oh aren't you guys from that band Black Veil Brides? " Katy asked

"Yeah we are I'm the drummer that one is the bassist and they are guitarist" CC replied with a big smile

"Oh um were's the singer?" She asked confused

"Well he's her boyfriend and hes out getting her a birthday present" Ashley commented

"Okay cool, so Bella what do you want and where?" Katy asked

"Um I was thinking about getting the words 'So hear my voice remind you not to bleed' on my left wrist" I replied and showed her my wrist and heard the guys gasp but Katy just nodded.

"We get alot of people getting tattoo's that mean that they won't selfharm anymore so I understand" she said and smiled at me then turned around to sketch. I swing around to face the boys and got tackled with a huge from CC.

"Okay CC getting hard to breath here" I said and he let go looking at me with worrie in his eyes "I'm okay, I promise" I replied then Katy was done sketching

"Alright you ready? This may hurt on some of the newer scars if you have any" she said while dipping the machine in the ink.

"I'm ready" I said with a deep breath grabbing CC'S hand " FUCK" I yelled out at one part "sorry" I said laughing at the same time.

"Alright we are done!"Katy said and wiped away the blood and extra ink.

"Sweet thank you so much I love it" I said admiring the piece of art

"And I though you couldn't get hotter but now with a tattoo you are" Ashley piped up earning another slap from Jinxx. We followed Katy back to the front counter and Jake payed I thanked Katy once again and left. We drove back home and when I walked in Andy ran to me and gave me a hug

"What did you get?!" He asked me

"Well" I said and removed the bandages from my wrist and showed him the tattoo, he gasped at it then gave me a big hug

"I love it so much" He whispered in my ear and let go "so do you wanna see my gift?"
Ooo cliffhanger.. well the chapter goes to MrsBiersackgirl she has voted for all my chapters so far so yeah!

The tattoo ☆

Listening to King for a day - peirce the veil ft Kellin quinn

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