Trust & Fights

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Ashley's P.O.V

As I was laying woth Bella about to fall asleep Andy walked in.

"Hey Bel- Ashley what the fuck are you doing?" Andy said growling through his teeth.

"She was just upset so I was calming her down" I stated calmly while slowly getting up

"I'm here boyfriend not you if she's sad and wants someone then she can come to me not you" He said raising his voice which caused Bella to move

"Look dude its not like that. She's one of my bestfriends she's like a sister to me I know things you don't I'm there when you aren't and you are going to have to trust me that I won't do anything" I said raising my voice as I was starting to get pissed off

"What the hell do you mean that you know things I fucking don't! I know everything about her!" He yelled

"No you dont!"I yelled back

"Then tell me!"

"I can't I promised her I wouldn't and I wont"

"Thank you Ashley" Bella said. I quickly turned around to see Bella yet again in tiers. I ran over to her and hugged her to calm her down

"Bella what the hell is he talking about" Andy said

"God Andy you don't get it I'm not okay and I will never be okay! No matter what you do there will always be apart of me that will want to die and not be here anymore. Ashley isn't my boyfriend so I don't have to be scared of what he thinks of me and that's why I tell him every thing and not you" Bella screamed as she cried and hid in my chest.

"If you love and can trust Ashley so much then why don't you date him!" Andy screamed and walked out of the room

"Great now he hates me!" Bella cried into my chest. I hate seeing her like this. I need to talk to Andy before he fuck up even more.

Sorry it took so long!! I know it's short but I hope you like this chapter

Watching: AHS Asylum

Some picture of Crazy Jinxx

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