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Andy's P.O.V

Once everybody left to get Bella's present I left to get hers. I really don't know what to get her. I mean like I know her favorite bands and color band that's it really, she hated me and lived CC for a week. CC!! I'll text him he has to know something.

(C=CC A=Andy)

A: hey CC I have a question but don't tell any one that your texting me.

C: hey what's up?

A: what does Bella like, does she like jewelry, candy, a GAINT TEDDY BEAR!?

C: um I know she loves drumming and candy and band bracelets bit hats it really but I will take the teddy bear;)

A: okay thanks man... and Christmas will be in your favor; )


Okay so she like to drum, sweet I think I know the thing I was gonna get it for CC but thought it was to girlish for him but not for Bella.
I pulled into the parking lot of a jewelry store. I walked up to the girl at the counter, she was really short

"Hi how can I help you today?" She greeted me with a warm smile

"Hello I am wondering if you guys still have that silver necklace that has drum sticks on the end?"

"Yes I think we do hold on.... okay I'm guessing your the "tall man dressed in black "?" She questioned while looking me up and down

"Haha yeah I am" I chuckled

"Haha okay" the lady said a rong up the necklace.

Bella's P.O.V

"Okay okay what is my present Andy!!" I jumped up and down in excitement

"Okay calm down here" He said putting his hands on my shoulders and putting a small box in my hands

"What is it" I asked raiseeyebrow

"Open it and you'll see" He said while laughing and sitting on the couch

"Okaayyy" I said questioning myself. I opened the box and the was a beautiful silver necklace with a charm the are to drumsticks."Oh my god Andy this is amazing! Thank you so much"

"Your welcome beautiful " He said kissing my forehead and picking up the necklace and putting it on me. I don't know how I got so lucky to have this man in my life.
Holy shit guys that took so long to update I'm sorry it's my first year of high school so I'm trying to get settled I will be looked in a room all weekend so I will right more have fun. PEACE!!


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