Old Friends

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Bella's P.O.V

It's the first day of Warped tour and we are in Portland Oregon. The line was already huge. I disided to walk around the venue. By the time I got back to the bus the gates had opened and the fans started rolling in. BVB didn't go on stage till 4pm and it's only 11am so I disided to go and listen to some other bands and go get merch. I saw PTV, SWS, and ABR set after August Burns Red I went to PTV'S merch tent to say hi. I got there right as the line cleared out thankfully.

"Hey guys " I said as I walked up to them we have hung out with them a couple times but Jaime is like a brother to me

" Hey loser what's up" Mike said hugging me "Oh Bella this is our new merch girl Chloe" He stated pointing to a really familiar blonde.

"Wait Chloe?" I asked. The guys nodded and she looked at me. Then her eyes got really wide.

"Oh My God! !" We both screamed and hugged eachother like there was no tomorrow. "I haven't seen you since we were like 14" she said almost in tears as was I.

"ugh I missed you so much" I said letting go of the hug. I can't believe my bestfriend that I haven't talk to in years is magically here.

"Hey love" Andy said coming up to me and grabbing my hand "ph who's this?" He asked pointing to the blonde in tears.

"This my love is Chloe the girl I told you about before" I told him and his eyes went wide

"Oh god, hey I'm Andy Biersack Bella's boyfriend" Andy said she went to shake his hand but nope he went in for the hug. I never thought I would see my boyfriend and childhood bestfriend hugging, but it made me really happy.

"Haha hi there, I'm Chloe, as you know" Chloe replied smileing

"Well I have to go do sound check babe I'll see you later" he said kissing my cheek "Oh and you two come side stage for the show. Remember it starts at 4!" He called walking away.

"Hes your boyfriend?" Chloe asked pointing to Andy

"Yeah, haha he's pretty great" I said rubbing the back of my head and picking up a redbull."I'm gonna need this, didn't get much sleep last night" I said looking at Chloe she just looked at me with a smirk like she used too " Oh gross Chloe nothing like that" I said laughing.

"Yeah okay haha" She said winking and walking away

"Hey come back!" I ran after her and jumped on her back laughing. It's good to have my bestfriend back.

Hello my people! Chloe is here!! The picture is her BTW. Plus while I'm writing this I'm skyping the girl who Chloe is based off of XP. Well hope you lovely people have a great day/night ByE!!! Xx

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