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Bella's P.O.V

I guess it's been a week since I got out of the hospital. Andy has been avoiding me and CC ever since I woke up that day and I don't know why, but by what CC told me in the hospital I'm dating CC and Andy is always mean to me so I guess I understand why, but also for the last 3 days in my dreams they are all about me and Andy dating and laughing not CC. I was sitting on the couch watching Disney channal when Andy walked in.

"U-Um can I sit here?" He asked pointing to the spot next to me.

"Yeah go ahead I'm about to go for a walk anyways" I replied standing up for him to be able to sit

"Oh okay, um be safe" He called as I made my way to the door

"Thanks I will" I called back walking out the door. That was weird he was nice to me and talked to me. I kept on walking to the park nearby and thinking about everything. Once I got to the park I went and sat on the swings, then suddenly eveything came to me. My mom, my 18th birthday with the boys, Jinxx, and dinner with Andy. ANDY! I'm with Andy not CC! Why did he tell me that I was! I quickly got up and ran home. Once I got inside the house u ran to the living room seeing Andy standing chanting and the Bengals on TV. I didn't care if he was watching football I ran and jumped on him and kissed him as passionate as I ever have, and before I knew it he was kissing back. It felt like it went on for hours before we pulled away to breath and I looked around to see all of the guys standing there smiling at us. All but one and that one was CC.

"I see you too are back together" Jake said with a smirk on his face

"Yes, I remember everything thing! " I said jumping down from Andy and walking up to CC " and why the fuck did you tell me we were dating when you knew I was dating Andy?" I asked anger clear in my voice

" I- I wanted you for myself and not with Andy" He answered his voice shaky

"CC you want me happy right?" I asked he nodded " Andy makes me happy Jake ,Jinxx, Ashley, and you also make me happy but in a different way there are plenty of other girls out there that will love you as much as I do possibly more but don't not get into my relationship or all hell will brake lose. Got it?" I said and breathed in so I could breath and then looked at him.

"Got it. I'm really sorry Andy and Bella, and also thanks for that very motivational speach " He said and chuckled " we still friends?" He asked hold his arms out for a hug

"Sure why not" I replied and hugged him tight then let go and walked back over to Andy "Well I'm tierd as fuck from running and being Gundi so I'm gonna go to bed, you coming?" I asked looking up at my man

"Sure Gundi let's go to bed" He did then through me over his shoulder and walked up stairs into his room and through me on the bed. I quickly got up ran to me room and put on batman shorts and a SWS tank top. Once done changing I walked back into Andy's room and got under the covers soon after he walked out of the bathroom only wearing Batman boxers and climbed in with me. He wrapped his arm around me and stuggled close to me. "I love you" He whispered in my ear as I drifted of to sleep. He's mine

Heyo here's another chapter. Yeah! She remembered him but I'm tierd AF so night losers!

Some hot pic of Andy and CC☆

Listening to In case of emergency call 411 by Sleeping with sirens

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