Pranks & Fans

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Bella's P.O.V

"Hey Ashley can you come help me!" I call from my bunk. Little does he know CC is in his bunk, across from mine, with about 20 water balloons and I have two squirt guns. You see Andy, Ashley, Vic Fuentes, Oli Sykes, and Tony Perry have been doing a prank war for the past week and it's still going on. Me, CC, Kellin Quinn, Alan Ashby, and Jack Barakat are currently winning and plan to stay that way. I hear Ashley walking into the bunk room so I grab my gun in one hand and a balloon in the other.

"Bella? Where are you?" Ashley called. He pulled open the curtain to my bunk and immediately got "shot" by the water gun and started running. Me and CC both jumped out of the bunks and chased him. Ashley ran out of the bus not knowing Alan and Jack are right outside waiting for him. " Ah God damn it!" Ashley yelled as he got pelted by water balloons. We all chased the shirtless Ashley around the bus lot in tell he ran into the Warped grounds, we stopped for a moment looking at each other wondering if we shall enter the pit of fan girls.

"Okay guys, we can do this. If you need to stop and talk to fans do it, but always keep your eye out for Ash. He may have told the others so watch your buck." I said forming a circle like a football time creating a game plan. " Kellin & Jack, you guys go near food court. CC & Alan, you guys go near the first aid tent. Ill go to the main stage and merch tents cause i won't be attacked by fangirls." They all nodded and we broke apart and went on our ways. I was walking around the ADTR tent when suddenly someone put there hands on my hips making me tense up and stop walking.

" Guess who" They whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spin

" If it's not my boyfriend, your balls will be kicked" I stated standing my ground

" Damn babe" He said pulling me into him giving me a hug, at this point i know for a fact it's Andy. We stood there for a moment hugging, then something hit the back of my head causing me to gasp and let got of Andy. I grabbed my head and looked at my hand seeing whipped cream and a cakey substance on it. Looking up to seeing a laughing Andy i remember I have a squirt gun and shot with it making him stop laughing and star at me blankly. This time im laughing.

" Andy!" A teen girl screams running towards him pulling her shy looking friend behind her. Andy looks at them and smiles while also saying hello. The one girl is talking to Andy while her friend looks very happy but sad at the same time, I give her a small smile as does she.

" Hello, what's your name?" I ask her. She takes a couple steps closer to me leaving her friend and Andy's side.


" Well hello Abby, I'm Bella"

" Oh, I know who you are"

" Oh well okay. Are you a fan of the band?"

" Yeah, more than anyone would know. I know they have heard it a million times but they saved my life"

"Do tell"

"Well, I had been struggling with self harm and eating disorders for a while and one night i was tired of trying so i was gonna end it. I had the pills on the table and water in my hand; but then my phone went off and Savior came on. I broke down crying and promised myself that i would stop cutting and start eating again. And now everytime im sad i listen to that song and it makes me feel 100% stronger"

" I have one question, why would you tell a complete stranger this"

" Well, You're Andy's girlfriend so you are apart of him. Andy I saw your scars and I knew you'd understand"

"ABBY!" The other girl yelled " We have to go your mum wants us" She said looking at us and smiling. Abby nodded and gave me a hug and walked away.

" She was nice" Andy said wrapping his arm around me

" Yeah, she was" I said still a little shocked. I knew that BVB and other bands had helped so many people but i had never heard their stories. So hearing that was amazing. I looked up at my amazing boyfriend and smiled at him, he bent down and pecked my lips before laughing

" You might wanna take a shower, you kinda have cake on your hair" He said smirking, I laughed and walked to the bus. I don't want this tour to end.


Soooo sorry it took so long, I was on vacation and then I was just to lazy. I hope you all liked it. Please comment and vote.
Listening to : Homecoming King -Andy Black

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