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Bella's P.O.V

I have been with Andy for a month and a half now. And hes been non stop telling me how much he loves me, and I love him back just as much I don't think I've ever felt so strongly for someone before. But I feel bad for having hime pay for everything since I have no money so I've decided that I'm gonna get a job. I don't exactly know where yet but I was thinking about the tattoo place I got mine done at.

"Hey babe" Andy said as I walked into the living room where everyone was

"Hey" I replied sitting next to him and gave him a quick kiss "so I'm gonna get a job" I stated

"Okay, why and where at?" Jinxx questioned

"Because I feel bad for always having you guys pay for me when I'm 18 and should be paying for myself and I was think the tattoo shop I could work the front desk or something" I explained waiting for a response

"Sounds awesome" Andy said breaking the silence

"Thanks babe, well I'm gonna go there now and see if they have openings" I said getting up and grabbing my leathers, helmet and keys. Ashley bought me a Harley Davidson a week ago for my birthday. It's all black with red and white details. I walked out the door and hoped on the bike. Once I got to the shop I packed my bike and took off my helmet only to be greeted by some musclely asshole

"I didn't know a chic can ride" He said his voice sounded like one of the guys off that jersey shoe

"Well welcome to the 21st century " I replied my voice full sarcasm

"Watch your attitude hot stuff" He said getting closer to me

"Don't call me hot stuff one I have a boyfriend that will kick your ass and two I can say what ever shit I want to" I said walking into the store getting pissed off

"Like that's gonna happen hes probably some fag that's no good" He said. Now that caught my attention

"Say that one more fucking time I dare you I will beat the living shit out of you personally. NOBODY talks shit about him" I yelled getting closer to him clenching my fist

"Like your skinny ass could do anything" He said. Now I'm not a very argessive person but I snapped. That was the first time I had ever punched somebody so hard I broke my hand.

"FUCK!" I yelled clenching my hand walking to my bike and driving to the hospital leaving the guy with a bloody lip and not getting a job. Fuck my life.

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