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Ashley's P.O.V

After the fight Bella fell asleep yet again in my arms and I gently put her to bed. I walked out of her room and walked to the basement where we practice and where Andy goes when hes mad. And sure enough hes in there sitting on the couch writing.

"What the hell do you want come to tell me you fucked my girlfriend" Andy snarled

"No dude you don't get it, I would never do that to you or her. Yeah of course at first I thought she was hot but now she's like my sister and it would make me sick to do that. You need to trust me on this. She loves you like alot."

"Okay... I guess your right I should trust you guys thank you Ashley "  He said hugging me."I'm gonna go talk to her"

"She's sleeping right now why don't you wait a little bit "

"Okay" He replied and we walked up stairs. For about an hour we just played video games and ate left over pizza, just then Bella walked down stairs.

"Hey" she said walking to the end of the stairs wearing one of Jinxx's Metallica shirts and shorts, which was all short and showing off every new and old scar. Before I could say anything Andy ran up to her, picked her up and kissed her. Soooo I awkwardly walked up the stairs to my room.

Andy's P.O.V

I just really want to see Bella. When I heard her voice I lost it I ran up to her picked her up as carfully I could not wanting to hurt her and kissed her as passionately as I can. "I'm so sorry Bella please please forgive me" I asked while still holding her our noses touching.

"I forgive you" she whispered and kissed me again " you just have to calm down,okay? Me and Ashley are just like brother and sister nothing else" she looked at me with worry eyes, her legs wrapped around my waist, lips only centimeters apart.

"Okay, I promise" I whispered kissing her again. Still holding her I carry her to the kitchen and set her down on the counter "What do you want to eat beautiful?" I asked looking in the fridge for what we have.

"Eh I'm not really hungry" she said. I looked at her to see if she's telling the truth.

"Say that again" I told her looking at the comers of her mouth, when she lies the corners of her mouth twitch up.

"I'm really not hungry" twitch, Yep she's lieing but ill let it go for a little bit but I will make her eat tonight.


Hey guys happy new year! Haha sorry it took soo long to update I suck I know! They may be another update later today but don't hold me too it. Love ya baii!

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