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Bella's P.O.V
Once we left Kids Club we all headed back to the house and all sat the the living room.

"I'm gonna go to my room" I said realizing what time it was.

"Okay go get ready for Andy and forget all about your brother" Jinxx said while laughing, he's a terrible actor. And with that I walked into my room and started to look for my one dress I had. After about 3 suitcases later I found it! It was black with lace and fit my figure perfectly. I put it on and paired it with black high-top converse, I don't like wearing heels or flats. Then I curled my hair and put on eyeliner just on top then my mascara and just a lipbalm. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, then with that Andy wearing black skinnys and a black dress shirt. I looked up and saw he was staring at me.

"WOW " He said not talking a eye off of me. Looking me up and down then finally he looked up at me and smiled "Hello beautiful, are you ready?" He asked reaching an arm out to grab mine.

"Yep just let me grab my jacket" I said I never leave then house unless have a jacket , bracelets or a long sleeve I hate people looking at my scars it's rude and annoying. I ran to my closet and grabbed my black leather jacket. "All right let's go"
I said grabbing his hand and walking out the door.

"After you" Andy said opening the passenger side door for me

"Why thank you " I replied climbing in the car. The car ride wasn't to long about 25 minutes then we come up to the new restaurant.

"Andy this place is expensive "

"And you diserve it " We both got out of the car and walked into the restaurant "reservation for Biersack please" Andy said to the lady at the front table she was gogo over Andy and it kinda made me jelous.

"Um girls can't wear coats in there" She said placing her hand out to take it and at that point I was in shock of how beautiful it was in there so I forgot about my scars and slid off my coat and gave it to her. Then she lead us to our table and left.

"This place is beautiful Andy" I said then looked at him for a response and noticed he was staring at my arm. "Shit!" I yelled out like a pregnant woman who's water just broke. I got up and ran out side. I ran I didn't know were I was going but I just ran he problem thinks I'm some kind of freak . Some ugly fat freak. My legs got tired and I fell to the ground in front of the park. I looked around and it was dark and no one was there. I weakly got up and sat on a swing. All of me memories with my old friends went flashing through my mind. I had two friends ones name was Breanna and the other was Chloe when we turned 14 they both moved and that's when I got depressed and people bullied me 'cause Chloe wasn't there to sick up for me like always. I got snapped out of my thoughts when someone sat next to me on the swings. I looked up and it was a tired Andy.

"Bella, why did you run off like that" He asked with his breath heavy

"Because you probably think I'm some emo fat freak that has some kind of mental illness" I cried out putting my shaky hands in my face so he could see me cry.

"First you are NOT fat and let over let some one tell you different and second I don't think any of that about you I know what your mom did Jinxx told me so I know you had rough times but I would've found out sooner or later and it's better now to know then later on in our relationship" He said calmly now having his breath

"What do you mean later on in our relationship, do you mean that you want a relationship with me?" I asked confused at his statement he hasn't ever asked me out and I could say no I wouldn't but he don't know that.

"Yeah " He said looking down then back at my eyes then my lips then back at my eyes then next thing in knew he leaned in and kissed me a few seconds later I kissed back after realizing what was happening. We pulled apart and he looked into my eyes for a few moments "Bella, will you be my girlfriend" I looked into his eyes and kissed him again he smiled into the kiss when we pulled apart I hugged him

"Yes" I said with a smile on my face he then got up and picked me up like a baby with my legs rapped around him and I fell asleep like this while he walked us but to the car.

Authors Note
Hey guys I'm so sorry it took so long to update I was on vacation then I went to Warped tour yesterday and got Ashley Purdys Wallet!! But anyway I'll start updating like normal for now on

Listening to ~ Faithless BVB

Bella's dress

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