Blowing smoke

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Tw: Mention of Sh and smoking

I know all of their sexuality's so don't take this too seriously!

Taylor's pov

I was so excited, finally a girls night out. Selena had planned a little drinks and dinner for Gracie, Sabrina, Blake and i. I was so excited to see them again, and to just go clubbing. It sounds a little stupid but i really enjoy going out, even though i am 34.

I grabbed my purse and decided it was hot enough not to bring a coat. I'd just thrown in my keys, wallet phone and a lip gloss in my purse. I unlocked my car and drove to Gracie's, because we were all having pre-drinks at her place.

I parked my car and already heard the music coming from inside. I rang the door and Sabrina was standing there.

'Heyy, you made it!' She said while she swung her arms around me, already a little tipsy.

'Hey guy.' I said placing my stuff on the couch and sitting down.

'Omg let's do shots.' Selena said and everyone obviously agreed.

'Okay, three, two, one.' Blake counted down and we all downed our tequila.

'Another one!' Selene poured everyone their second, third seventh one.

'Okay i think we're about ready to go.' Gracie said, being the most sober one. She really could handle alcohol the best.

We decided to go straight to a club, because we didn't feel like sitting and talking over a glass of wine. We wanted to dance. drink and make out.

We got in and Sabrina and Gracie took the dance floor immediately. We followed them as we danced, our bodies swinging and our hips moving. After about twenty minutes Sabrina was really getting drunk, and Katy Perry was playing.

'Come on, Grace!' Sabrina said as she tugged Gracie forward.

Their lips melted as they made out, we were all giggling like high school girls as they fully went for it. They ended the kiss with a lot of giggling.

'Do you have a tampon?' I said in Gracie's ear.

'Yea i thinks so, hold on.' She grabbed her purse as we both looked through it.

'What's that?' I pointed at a little white box as she quickly shoved her purse away.

'Oh just some birth control pills, i always forget to take mine in the morning.' She says as she shoves a tampon in my hand.

'Wanna come with?' I say and i grab her hand leading us to the ladies room.

'I'm gonna catch some air, text me when you're done.' Gracie said as i heard her leave.

After a couple minutes i got up and went over to wash my hands. Re applying some lip gloss and walking out side to find Gracie. She was standing behind a plant so i tapped her shoulder.

'Yeez!' She said and we both laughed.

'Doing something bad?' I said noticing that she'd tucked her arms behind her back.

'Hmm.' She said and gave me an innocent look.

'Come on, we already know everything about each other.' I said as i grabbed her hand, she shrugged but didn't decline.

She was holding a sigaret that already had been smoked.

'Oops.' She said and giggled a little.

'So it wasn't birth control?' I laughed.

'It's not that bad, just don't tell Sabrina or she'll freak out. I vaped once in front of her, and she went crazy.' Gracie told me.

'Oh i'm all cool about that, no need to worry.' I said as she took a hit.

'Want one?' She offered and i nodded.

'Why not?' I placed the sigaret between my fingers. Gracie lit it as i took a hit.

I coughed, gaged almost and Gracie went bright red. Laughing her ass off.

'You clearly had never smoked before.' She said and i nodded. 'Here you have to suck a little, breathe in with your nose and just blow the smoke out.' She said and i did. It was kind of nice actually.

'I kind of see why you smoke.' I said while taking another hit.

'It's just a little something to escape reality for just a minute. You know have my little Lana del Rey moment.' She said

'Haha, Lana would really appreciate that.' I said as we finished up and went back inside.

We ordered a little too many shots but we drank them anyway.

'You should make out with him.' Gracie screamed loudly above the music.

'Noo i'm good.' She obviously forgot about Travis for a second.

'I do kind of wish Trav was here, i really need to tongue tangle.' I said and Gracie laughed really hard.

She pulled me in and our lips met, i slipped my tongue against her bottom lip. Our tongues dancing cirkels against each other and i let out a little moan before we pulled apart.

'Well that was enough tongue dancing.' Gracie laughed. We'd made out many times so it wasn't a big deal. I mean a girls gotta do, what a girls gotta do. A few times because we wanted attention from guy, and many times because we felt like necking but our partners weren't there and we obviously weren't gonna cheat. I talked about it with Travis and he just laughed, we'd done it in front of him a couple times so he didn't mind.

'There you guys are.' Sabrina said as she stood in between us, facing me. 'Uh Tay, have you been smoking?' She said and i stumbled.

'It's mine, i offered her one. Come one Sab we're out.' Gracie said and i nodded.

'Well just don't kill your selves. Those things aren't good for you.' Sabrina said.

'Yeez lighten up.' Gracie placed a vape inside of Sabrina's mouth and surprisingly she hit it.

'Grace, you know that i vape and smoke. What you told her other wise? You bitch' I was so confused.

'But you were upset just then.' I said only now understanding she was being sarcastic. 'But why did you say that she was against it Grace?' I was still so confused.

'I don't fucking know, i don't really know anything right now.' She danced and we laughed. 'This little slut offered me my first cigarette, and this is her vape.' She said and i chuckled.

'Ooh can i try?' Gracie placed the vape inside my mouth and it was so hilarious. We felt so stupid but it was fun, and we were drunk.


*Three months later.*

'Ooh, the next one you're gonna recognize.' Gracie said as she hit the song 'Blowing smoke'.

They're just blowing smoke
I'll say what they won't
I know everything they don't

I laughed at the lyrics, obviously remembering that night. Besides ever since another night Gracie and i told each other everything about ourselves. And i really mean everything, she knows about my self harm but also my favorite song to have sex to. But since then every time we wanted to say something later we said 'i know everything they don't' Because we were in company. It doesn't make any sense but it works for us. But what does make sense?

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