I love you

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Taylor's pov

It's Friday night, the clock has just passed midnight. I'm all alone in my house, since Travis is out of town for work. I was just scrolling on Tiktok on my private account, when a video popped up. It's a edit of me, i watched it and then scrolled through the comments. It was a thirst trap edit, so i was expecting some filthy stuff which i always found funny. I was laughing as i read the comments when one caught my eye.

Kanyestan99: Yeez she looks pregnant. I mean she's always banging some guy so that explains a lot.

I gasped, how could someone be so rude. Tears welled up into my eyes. Before i knew it i headed to my bathroom. I stood in front of the body mirror and lifted my shirt, i turned to the side. Watching my stomach and poking it. They were right, i did look pregnant. I've been eating pretty unbalanced recently. I wasn't like eating crazy, at least i thought. My eyes couldn't stop my tears from falling down my cheeks. So i bent down to my cabinet underneath the sink. There it was, inside my feminine hygiene product box. Shaking i picked up the blade, and sat against my bathtub.

I'm fat, cut. I'm stupid, cut. My wrist started bleeding like crazy. Fuck, no what am i doing. I snapped back into reality. I've been clean for seven months. Picking up my phone i called Travis, but he didn't answer. The only other person who knew about my struggles was Gracie. I called her and she picked up.

Gracie: What's up Tay, it's 1am.

Me: I- I'm not doing well. Could you come over please?

I started crying again and Gracie gasped.

Gracie: Of course, hold on sweetheart. I'll be there in ten minutes.

I hung up and just started sobbing. Why did i let people's opinions affect me so much. My thoughts couldn't stop spinning inside my head. And i was back into my head. I do look pregnant, why did i eat so much yesterday. If i just starved this week, i could've looked good yesterday. I was interrupted by a voice coming from downstairs.

'Tay?' I recognized Gracie's voice. She'd got in with the spare key i'd given her.

'In here.' My voice was still shaking.

'Hey i'm, oh my.' The look on her face went sad. She bent down next to me, and hugged me tightly. I started to sob into her neck, as she hung onto me.

'I just, people are so mean.' I sobbed and Gracie nodded.

'I understand honey, but don't let other people's opinions affect who you are. You're so beautiful and sweet, nobody loves like you do. You're so amazing Taylor.' Her words ment a lot to me and my breathing slowed. I looked upwards at her.

'Could you help me clean these?' I asked a little embarrassed.

'Oh, of course let me get some stuff.' She'd only now seen the cuts. She got up and grabbed some bandaids and alcohol wipes. Gracie wiped my wounds and i sucked in air. Fuck that hurt like shit. Once she was done she sticked the bandaids on top.

'Thank you, i love you.' I told her and we got up. We sat down on my bed and just looked at each other.

'Tay, are you okay?' Gracie asked.

'No im not, but i'll get trough it.' I told her.

'You shouldn't have to go through this alone.' She placed her hand on top of mine, giving me a comforting smile.

'I know, i've scheduled a weekly session with my therapist from now on. I want to get better, i really do.' I said to Gracie.

'I believe you, and if there is anything you need from me just ask.' She said.

'Could you spend the night?' I asked and she nodded. We tucked ourselves in and cuddled close. We looked at each other when we both started to feel a bit tired.

'I love you Tay.' Gracie said.

'I love you too.' I hugged her once more before turning over and closing my eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22 ⏰

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