Chapter 26: The queen

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March 30th 1792
Juliette was getting kissed by Abraham, he was in the mood, but she wasn't. She remembered what Helene told her to do. She kneed him in the penis hard. Then kicked him in the penis and left knee yelling at him to get off of her. "Fuck you! You are my wife, you listen to me bitch!" Abraham yelled as she kicked him in his left knee again, hearing him scream out in pain and fell. When she turned to run for the door, she saw Le Brulee Vir. He sliced her clothes off with a knife and removed her boots and stockings; holding her down with telekinesis.

The demon pinned Juliette down and raped her, hearing her cries of fear. He held her down as he humped her. She had rejected her husband's sexual advances too many times, so now she pissed him off. He moaned as he felt his penis throbbing and pushing out maggots. He had to beat her to make her remain still, he bit her to infect her again.

After the demon got off, Juliette ran out of Abraham's room screaming and sobbing. "All she does is fucking scream! I want a fucking divorce!" Abraham yelled angrily as he was covering his penis after she had kicked him harshly. "Uncover it, let me see" The demon whispered as Abraham shakily showed him. Abraham's penis was bruised. "I wonder where she learned how to act like that" Abraham muttered as the demon cleaned his penis off, and slowly touched Abraham's, hearing Abraham whimpering in pain. "Ah! That fucking hurts!" Abraham yelled, shoving the demon away. The demon cleaned Abraham's bed for him, cleaning up the blood and semen.

Abraham's father came in the room, seeing his son getting dressed, and was softly crying. "Son, why did you reject your wife, and why is she screaming about getting raped by a beast that came out of your mirror?" He asked as Abraham snapped "I don't want to talk about it, you wouldn't care"

"She somehow learned to fight back, and she fucking bruised your son! Thats what she's screaming about. She is screaming about ME!" Le Brulee Vir yelled, slamming Abraham's father into the wall. "Oh..." Abraham's father muttered, not knowing what to say.

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