Chapter 36: The Virgin Sacrifice

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(Her nickname is Sophia, so if i mention the name, its the same Sophie)
August 3rd 1777
After the huge feast was held, Sophie Beaufort had fun by dancing and talking with her family, suddenly the demon called her to his 2nd bedroom.

"Elle a 20 ans, monsieur! Elle est trop vieille pour toi parce qu'elle a 20 ans! Tu devrais sortir avec quelqu'un de plus jeune!" Her mother exclaimed, enraged that their savior chose an old hag. "Peu importe son âge ! AMENEZ-LA-MOI!" The demon yelled, slamming his spear down, causing the sigil to glow.

Sophie was shocked that he didn't care about her age, he loved her for the way she was. She gasped as Abraham brought her to him. "Prends ma main et embrasse ma bague" The demon commanded, she listened reluctantly, then followed him to his 2nd bedroom.

"Alors, tu sais ce qu'est le sexe ?" Le Brulee Vir asked, the demon asked, taking off his cloak, crown, and jewelry. He sat in the armchair and watched her undress, seeing she only left on the long underwear.

"Est-ce que c'est le cas de deux personnes qui s'aiment beaucoup et qui le crient haut et fort? Puis, après 10 à 11 mois d'agonie, elles produisent des gobelins?" Sophie said, embarrassed, hearing the demon laugh until he realized she was serious. "Non, qui t'a dit ça Sophia ? Ce n'est pas du tout ça !" The demon said, shocked.
"Ma mère m'a dit que... si jamais je m'accouplais avec Abe... puisque je suis encore vierge" Sophie muttered, looking away from him. "Crois-moi chérie, ce n'est pas du tout ça, il suffit de respirer pendant le rapport sexuel. On dirait que ta mère essayait juste de te faire peur pour que tu n'aies pas de relations sexuelles avec Abraham." The demon sighed, shaking his head annoyed.

"Est-ce que ça va faire mal?" Sophie asked as she noticed that he was touching his penis, slowly breathing. "L'as-tu déjà fait avec Abraham?" Le Brulee Vir asked as she shook her head no "Quand j'avais 15 ans, son père m'a dit que je ne pouvais toucher son fils que s'il regardait parce qu'il ne voulait pas que nous ayons des relations sexuelles. Évidemment, je ne léchais son pénis que la nuit, dans le jardin, juste pour ne pas être observés." She mentioned as she drank water then said "Quand nous aurons fini, est-ce que je peux avoir des relations sexuelles avec lui, pour pouvoir enfin lui montrer mon amour?"

She finally undressed, and was standing there naked. Seeing the demon came. It splurged out, all over the wooden floor. It was black. She was confused, but didn't want to speak against her savior.

Le Brulee Vir walked over to her, softly groaning, and hugged her tightly. He pulled away, and started kissing her, gently squeezing her butt as he lifted her up to kiss her better. Sophie felt her body was tense and warm, and something wet was coming out of her. She gasped. Sophie was slowly breathing as Le Brulee Vir put her on the bed, telling her to spit in a bowl, and squat over it, she listened, and he let her hold on to his broad shoulders for support as he masturbated her. She whimpered, feeling like she pissed herself. "Im sorry if I peed" She whispered, as he told her that's her menstrual blood and vaginal fluids. "T-tu n'es pas dégoûté ? C'est juste que maman a dit que tu serais dégoûté de moi si je te montrais mon sang de là-bas..." Sophie mentioned, hearing the demon purr "nous aimons le sang chérie."

She was confused who the other person was, but she assumed he might've been referring about the spider. She saw he took the bowl away, setting it on a dresser. She laid down, legs shaking from pleasure. When he laid on top of her and started fingering her again, she softly moaned. She quickly covered her mouth embarrassed. "C'est bien chérie, juste de doux gémissements, okay? He reassured

"Cela me rappelle quand Abraham m'a touché pour la première fois là-bas, et qu'il n'était pas dégoûté par mon cycle menstruel, il m'a rendu si heureuse." She mentioned, trailing her finger along the demon's hellish scars and the sigil on his chest. "C'est bien qu'Abe t'ait rendu heureux" The demon chuckled, as he licked his two fingers he used. "Avant de commencer les rapports sexuels, j'ouvrirai un pot et le frotterai sur vos parties, il sera chaud, mais ce sera une substance visqueuse pour que vous n'ayez pas d'éruption cutanée à cause de ma peau brûlée." The demon said, opening the said jar, which contained a pinkish-purple substance.

It was warm as he described, she held his clean hand as he applied it "c'est bon, ne t'inquiète pas" He said, stroking her hair with the clean hand, then smelled her hair; it smelled of lavenders, almonds, vanilla, and coconut. She heard him groaning, then semen shot out of his penis, all over her legs. "C'est le parfum spécial de ma mère. Elle l'a fait elle-même." She stuttered as she saw he had to stop touching her hair to breathe.

"Je suis désolé d'avoir perdu le contrôle et de l'avoir laissé sortir sur toute ta jambe, madame. C'est juste que tu sens tellement bon." He muttered, looking away from her, and cleaned her leg up. She weakly giggled, hugging him, rubbing his penis. "mets-le en moi maître" she whispered seductively, feeling he rubbed it against her labia, "Une dernière chose avant de commencer, est-ce que tu voudrais qu'Abraham regarde? Comme si je vous préparais tous les deux à avoir des relations sexuelles ensemble. Pour ne pas tout gâcher!" He asked as she nodded, happy.

Eventually Abraham came in the room, being called by him in his head. He felt jealousy seeing the demon having sex with the girl he's been wanting to have sex with. "Es-tu jaloux, Abe?" The demon purred as he was thrusting into Sophie. "No Monsieur" Abraham said, getting told in his head to spit and cum in the bowl on the dresser, Abraham listened and did what he was told.

The bed creaked with each movement made by them on the bed. Sophie was breathing through it, not moaning at all since she was nervous. She held her breast to stop them from moving around so much. The demon finally came in her, so much came out of him that half leaked out.

"Tu veux voir quelque chose de cool Sophie?" The demon asked as she nodded.

Sophie watched as the demon made Abraham levitate, then Abraham was stripped of his clothing, but the clothes didn't tear, they came off as if Abraham was undressing himself. The demon neatly folded the clothes next to Sophie's dress.

Sophie saw Abraham was put on the bed next to her, lathered in the spiders slime on the buttocks, lower back, and thigh region, then violently fucked by Le Brulee Vir. The slime was leaking out on the bed from how much he applied. She saw the jar was now empty.

When she was lying there watching with amazement that Abraham could also enjoy the pleasure of sex, the spider's long tongue went into her vagina and licked everywhere. Sophie saw this spider was really tall, so she assumed the spider was the height of her. She softly moaned, and gasped as the spider pushed his penis inside her. When the demon pulled out of Abraham, she saw the semen was black? "Puis-je l'essayer?" She asked as he nodded, she felt the spider release his semen and she moaned again, hugging the spider. The spider crawled and positioned his penis so it could enter her mouth. She maneuvered her tongue all over, licking and sucking. It tasted like pecans.

"Ah-moans- C'est tellement bon, comment... qui t'a appris?" The spider asked, panting and gasping in pleasure as he released more semen into her. "Elle l'a appris de moi" Abraham said as the demon rolled him over.

Le Brulee Vir showed Sophie that the spider's penis could turn into a vagina "Ouah ! Cela veut-il dire que l'araignée peut avoir des bébés?" Sophie asked as the demon nodded, "C'est de là que je tire tous mes asticots"

Sophie watched, touching herself, as the demonic spider had sex with Abraham. Eventually the spider released semen on Abraham's penis. "Maintenant, je veux que tu baises ta nouvelle femme avec mon sperme." The Demon commanded as the demon mixed the love potion, "Prononcez le sort de la potion" He said to Sophie as she smiled drinking it with Abraham "J'invoque l'amour d'Abraham Fournier, fais-lui sentir mon amour pour lui, fais-lui comprendre mon amour éternel pour lui. Je t'en appelle, maître, pour lui faire sentir mon amour. Amen."

"Très bien chérie, tu te débrouilles très bien avec mes potions et tu les comprends!" The demon said as he watched them have sex, mating violently with each other, he knew they liked it rough. The slime was applied when Abraham felt like he needed it. "Ils sont si parfaits l'un pour l'autre, pourquoi ne peuvent-ils pas se marier?" The spider asked the demon, seeing he was sitting in the armchair, he crawled into the demon's lap; shrinking his height to the size of a household cat. The demon stroked the spider's fur, and sighed "C'est la loi, malheureusement. Je veux dire, ma tante avait raison quand elle disait que cette terre était étrange."

He saw them stop after 8 minutes, cuddling each other and whispering about how much they loved each other.

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