Chapter 37: The Purple Snow Leopard/The Pink Room

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Planet Earth 3: Ursa Major

(Lisa has an obsession with this version of Stacy since that Stacy is cute in Lisa's eyes (pastel colors) and Lisa always wanted an animal from that planet to be her slave.)

February 20th 2018
Stacy woke up hearing soft padded footsteps walking around her room, what is that sound? She wondered. She rubbed her eyes, looking around at her pink christmas lights on the ceiling, wondering why she woke up even though she took a melatonin what time is it? She pondered, moving the pale lavender bed curtain back to grab her phone, seeing a fluffy purple paw grab her phone and take it away. She gasped, yanking her hand away before the creature could grab it. She covered her mouth, shaking with fear maybe I'm dreaming, maybe I'm hallucinating Stacy pondered hugging her Skylar plush tightly, she hid underneath the 5 layers of her blankets and counted to 10 in her head touching her emerald pendant (she wore it to bed for good luck), suddenly hearing a chuckle. The chuckle belonged to Logan; her dad's friend.

"You are fucking pathetic Stacy." He snarled, slowly dragging his nails on the curtains seeing that Stacy had beaded curtains and pink Christmas lights (in replace of a nightlight). Logan assumed her aunt made certain things in this room to try to wake Stacy up from sleep walking.

Stacy heard the front bed curtain open, and the first layer of blanket was ripped off. "What the- seriously? You seriously need FIVE fucking blankets to keep you warm?" Logan laughed as he threw off the rest of the blankets seeing Stacy was her fluffy form, curled in a ball on her double twin sized bed, crying, covering her ears, having her eyes shut, and hugging a blue bear plush of her boyfriend Skylar. She was wearing magenta pajamas with beige socks that had Alice's Play-zone pink bear head details.

Stacy saw Logan's eye's glowed electric blue as he stared at her, grabbing her leg and started pulling her towards him. She gasped and kicked him, crawling back, hitting her headboard, "Go away!" Stacy cried as she tried to get out of her bed but he pulled her back on the bed. Stacy saw he was slowly crawling on the bed, jaw wide open, ready to consume her. She screamed, sobbed, and kicked, not wanting to go in as he grabbed her left leg trying to hold her still. "Let me go! No!" Stacy cried as he managed to get her legs in, coating them in salvia. As she struggled and scratched the side of his face deeply,  he bit down; not enough to puncture the skin thankfully. She let go of the side of his face and he released the bite. She felt she was having an asthma attack. Oh god not now. Is this really how im going to die? Being eaten alive and dying of an asthma attack? Stacy thought, still squirming as he got her lower torso in, trapping her arms to her side as he pushed her in using his hands, coating her in saliva. After her head got in, the jaw snapped shut, fur getting tangled with the salvia. She managed to breathe as she was shoved down the esophagus. It was tight as she squirmed, slowly shrinking as she got pushed into the stomach; thankfully there was no acid. "Aw do you want your stupid plush with you?" he mocked, saying it in her head as he swallowed her blue bear plush, he used his healing spray to keep her alive from the asthma attack.

"Why are you doing this?" Stacy sobbed, as she kicked his stomach harshly, screaming until she couldn't scream anymore, then kicked away her bear plush that he had swallowed. She assumed her height was about 4 feet. She felt he was walking somewhere. She sighed, disgusted with how the salvia felt in her fur.

After what felt like hours, Logan threw her up with the plush, her height was back to normal, she fell to a cold wooden floor, hearing him make another gag sound, spitting at her. "Go shower" He snapped at her, hearing her crying again.

Stacy noticed she was in a house near a basic white bathroom, and she saw a short blonde woman with big green eyes, the woman was holding a shock collar. "Go shower you filthy animal" The woman snapped, as Logan kicked Stacy harshly. Stacy wheezed, unable to breathe. She softly cried as she shakily stood up, half being dragged up by Logan. She was thrown in the bathroom, and the door was locked. She saw the clothes left out for her was a knee-length dark magenta dress with white undergarments and white mini heels. All in her size. "You better be turning on the water! Don't make me come in there and beat you" The woman yelled, as Stacy heard Logan walked off, talking to another person. Stacy sniffled, and turned on the water to hot. She was so cold and disgusted. She slowly took off her necklace, putting it in the sink with her bear plush. She tried to open the window, but it was electronically locked. She cried knowing she was going to get beaten if she didn't shower; so she did, washing off all the saliva.

She softly cried as she dried off and put on the outfit that woman left out for her. The mini-heels even fitted her correctly; not too big and not too small. She opened the door, seeing the woman was standing there, smiling "You look gorgeous in that dress!" The woman exclaimed, giggling as she styled Stacy's fur. She showed Stacy where she would sleep. "Please, I just want to go home" Stacy said, crying again, Logan put the shock collar on her, then put on her small gold hoop earrings he must've stole them from home Stacy thought seeing Logan had a weak smile on his face. yeah he must've with how he weakly smiled. Shit what if he's reading my thoughts? She wondered.

"Isn't she perfect?" Logan said to the woman as the woman agreed. Stacy wondered why this woman wanted her to be a slave.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 hours ago ⏰

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