Chapter 34: Divorce

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(Julieete kills the reanimated  Josephie before this)
After her husband went to bed, Juliette summoned Lepusculus.

Lepusculus and her husband appeared. "Why do you wish to summon us ma'am?" Mr. Peterson asked as Juliette held her 3 year old son, Paul, to them.

"Why are you-Oh, I see, you are both infected. Are you wanting us to remove the infection?" Lepusculus asked as Juliette nodded "Please take me out of here, my husband is Le Brulee Vir's vessel." Juliette mentioned as she heard Paul scream-crying from the coldness Lepusculus produced, waking up her husband.

"Juliette, what- WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON!?" Abraham yelled quickly sitting up, but Lepusculus teleported over and slammed him back down, started choking him. "Let me go!!" Abraham tried to scream but she made his lips freeze together. Lepusculus cut open his left knee and sprinkled in a magical sparkling white powder to start the bloodline curse. When Abraham screamed, it tore his lips open, he coughed up blood.  He sobbed as Lepusculus's husband came over, crawling on the bed and grabbed his right wrist, while she grabbed his left wrist, her hand on the split open knee incision. "I will curse  you to roam this earth as an immortal, and I curse your bloodline so all men suffer from osteoarthritis and hyperdontia, if you have a daughter, she will become the carrier of the bloodline curse to pass onto her male children. This curse will pass on to your grandchildren too." Lepusculus said in Latin, making it snow in the room due to her starting a bloodline curse.

Abraham cried as Lepusculus's husband sewed his mouth shut so he doesnt call out for help. Abraham swallowed blood as it leaked into his mouth from the ripped lips and the holes from the thread.

"Feed on his blood, he is infected" Her husband commanded as he chomped into Abraham's right wrist. Abraham saw he was getting frostbite in the normal spots where frostbite forms (he remembered seeing one of his workers dealing with frostbite in the normal places). His fingers turned pale, then purple and then black from Lepsculus blood in his veins. He writhed in agony as Lepusculus chomped down hard on his left wrist, digging her thumb into the left knee incision.

Juliette watched as Mr. and Mrs. Peterson/Lepusculus (they both shared the angel name to cause confusion), were drinking her husbands blood, she had dropped her son, not caring if he had died. She saw Abraham writhing, trying to squirm. She loved the snow they produced.

Abraham felt Lepusculus's husband stroke his hair, causing it to turn gray, then white. He cried seeing his peach complexion turn milky white. Abraham passed out from the pain since he couldnt breathe properly from his mouth being seen shut by Lepusculus's husband.

They got done cleansing Abraham's blood watching what he would do, which when he woke up, he tried crawling to his son.

When Abraham awoke, he tried to get up quickly, but collapsed in pain from his left knee bone breaking through the incision. He wailied in pain, throwing up blood from the Rabbits infection and the threads that closed his mouth shut. He clutched his thigh from the searing hot pain, he screamed. He needed to get his son. He slowly crawled over, noticing Juliette was standing next to Lepusculus's husband.

Abraham cradled his son's corpse, shivering. He hoped his body heat would keep Paul alive enough to be saved by Edmond. "Please, please wake up Paul...Please wake up" Abraham sobbed, feeling the snow falling, stinging the incision where the bone was sticking out. He passed out again as Lepusculus stabbed him in the side.

Abraham was awoken hearing Paul crying "Why wont papa wake up?!"

Abraham gasped looking around for his son, feeling the room was warm but still cold. "Shh Shh, its okay Paul, your father is right here" Fiona, Edmond's Sister, whispered as Edmond helped Abraham sit up, the spider had been layjng on his chest the whole time, and Le Brulee Vir in his burnt form was sleeping next to him, holding his hand, sleeping with his eyes open. Then Abraham remembered why the demon sleeps with his eyes open; he had no eyelids.

Abraham heard the demon was awoken by him sighing,  "Abraham, are you okay? Where are you going?" Le Brulee Vir quickly asked as Abraham moved his hand away from the demons grip. Abraham pulled the blanket back to see why his knee felt so tight; his knee was bandaged, with two sticks on each side to stabilize it. His wrists had bandage wrapping, the frostbite was gone, and his hair was normal again, but his skin was sallow.

Abraham sobbed as he held his son, and his son cried with him. "Oh Paul I thought you died..." Abraham said, sniffling. "Fiona is my new mommy now!" Paul giggled as Abraham looked at her confused "Uh, I had to give Paul a blood transfusion and I somehow have the same blood type as him according to Alois...whatever that means...." Fiona mentioned, trailing off as Abraham nodded. He sat Paul down and hugged Alois, sobbing. "I-I'm not infected, I failed you master" Abraham sobbed, as the demon hushed him, telling him that he has been infected again. "B-But I don't feel it" Abraham sobbed, "Hey Fiona, can you take Paul out so I can reinfect Abraham?" Alois said to Fiona as she nodded, picking up Paul, taking him out.

He saw the demon went still, sighing "Okay she took him outside, so that should give us enough time to reinfect you." Le Brulee Vir said as Abraham got chomped in the neck, he watched as his veins turned black and he felt warm. "We sadly couldn't heal the leg with the potion, so we had to improvise" Edmond said as Abraham nodded, letting the demon drink his blood. Eventually the demon let go, licking the wound "See you have been infected by me, because if you werent, you would've been having a seizure right now" Le Brulee Vir said. "Sorry" Abraham mumbled as he felt his lips were dry.

"Also, Juliette is missing, she was taken by the rabbit" The demon said as he gave Abraham a bowl of warm soup and goats milk. "Thank you for the soup..." Abraham asked as he ate the food, he almost ate it too fast, but the demon stopped him.

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