Chapter 19 (Trent's POV)

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​Something is clearly wrong, Kacey has hardly answered any on my text since yesterday evening. It was mostly one word replies and she ignored my call last night saying she was too tired to talk. Mom and Kayla are being short with me too. If I had to guess Brittany has something to do with it.

​I tap my foot on Kacey's front door with coffee in one hand and breakfast in the other. We normally spend Sundays together. It has become my favorite day of the week. But when she opens her door with dark circles under her eyes and tear stained cheeks. I know it wasn't going to be a fun one.

​"Sweetness what's wrong?" I push passed her and head to the kitchen to free my hands. She doesn't follow me, she just locks the door then sits on her couch with her favorite blanket and a book. She looks like she hasn't slept.

​"Did you get any sleep last night?" I lower myself to sit beside her. She is curled in a ball arms wrapped around her knees with the blanket over her shoulders.

​"Not really. I couldn't get my mind to quiet down."Most of the time when she can't sleep she calls me and we talk until she can. It only happens when she is stressed. Which makes me all the more worried.

​"Why didn't you call me? I would have come over or just talked to you." I try to pull her close to me but she just stands putting her back to me. We never pull away from each other. It's like we can't go a minute without touch. Always wanting the other one near. So the action was unexpected and honestly unwanted.

​"I didn't want to bother you." I can hear her voice crack as she speaks making me fill on edge. But when she turns around and I see her eyes pool with unshed tears I'm on my feet, reaching for her. 

​"What is wrong? You never bother me, you know that." Once again she moves away from me. Once is one thing but a second time is starting to piss me off. "Do I know that though? If you were unhappy would you tell me?"

​My hands fall to my side and I reeling back at her tone. Kacey never talks to me like that even when I was a jerk to her when we first met. She was always smiling never letting me get to her. I use to want to see her upset just once, to know that she isn't all sugary. Now that I see it though I feel like my heart is being carved out of my chest. "What do you mean? I am happy."

​Her tears are free falling now, looking me in my eyes. Her hazel eyes look duller. "Then why would Brittany say you must not me too happy, if you were texting her a couple weeks ago wanting her to save you a dance."

​What the hell is she talking about. I haven't texted anyone but her and my family. I never would have texted her that. I was pissed about sitting beside her, why would I want to be close to her like that. Furrowing my brows and shake my head. I have no close what is happening. "She said that?"

​Kacey face blanks but tears still fall. She doesn't answer me; like she can't get the words out. What else did Brittany say?

​"You know her mom was surprised to hear that you had a girlfriend too. Asked how long were have been together. When Kayla answered that's when Brittany told the entire party and I quote "Must not be that happy if he was texting me a couple weeks ago asking me to save him a dance." Do you have any idea how that made me feel? She already made a scene about how I'm not really a part of the family because I'm being paid to help with the wedding. She was throwing that horribly planned party because she loves Kayla. I left early because everyone was looking at me with pity. Except your mom she stood up for me the first time. But even she didn't know what to say to that."

She is shaking she is crying so hard; my hands are burning to touch her to comfort her. I'm not going to though she made it clear she doesn't want to be near me right now. I thought she was done but after a couple deep breathes, she continues.

"It's not the first time someone has made a comment about me helping because it my job not because I consider Kayla a friend. You thought the same thing. That's not the part that bother me, it when she realized she couldn't hold that against me. She decided to let me know you still want her."

I've had enough; I would never do that to Kacey and the fact she isn't even asking me about it, just assumes that she is telling the truth. Feels like a knife twisting in my back. "So you believe her?"

Is all I can get out, I'm so mad I can't see straight. Who does Brittany think she is? She is the one who cheated on me, I took her back the first time because I thought she was really sorry. I thought we could work things out. Now I know she is just crazy.

"I don't know what to think. She is your type apparently, and you dated a long time. Not to mention your families are friends, they probably thought you would get married."

It's so hard to keep my cool, we can talk though what Brittany said. I can even show her all my text. What I'm really pissed about is Kacey second guessing herself and our relationship.

"I never texted her. I don't want anything to do with her. She is Kayla's friend that is the only reason I'm civil with her. You make me so happy, but right now I'm pissed." I say and I pace her living room, trying to work through my feelings. "You're mad at me? Why, what did I do?" she raises her voice in disbelieve.

Facing her now, she went from crying to mad. Anger I can deal with, her tears where killing me. "Yeah, I'm mad. You believed that crap coming out of her mouth? You know me better than that. But what I'm pissed about is you let her talk about you like that, about us like that. Do you have that little of a back bone you were just going to take it? You should have enough self-respect to not let her get away with it."

The look on her face let's me know I might have taking thing to far with that last comment but its true. She is such a strong woman; she has been though so much, to let this affect her. I would never let someone talk about our relationship like that. So why would she?

"Who do you think you are? I didn't let her do anything. What was I supposed to do? That party was supposed to be about Kayla. I wasn't going to make things worse by stooping down to her level. Whether what she said was true or not, it doesn't involve everyone. I acted like an adult; instead of an attention seeking brat and removed myself. I didn't want to mess up your sisters' day even more."

I scoffed she might not have made things worse but I know Brittany and she got what she wanted. "No you did exactly what she wanted you to do. You left. She didn't want you there so she pushed and pushed until you broke."

"Get out" 

My spine stilled with her harsh tone.

"You want me to have more self-respect? Here you go. I will not let you talk to me like that. I don't regret leaving that party. If I knew me being there was going to cause so much drama, I wouldn't have gone. Instead of reassuring me that I have nothing to worry about, that she was full of crap. You decide to talk down to me and make me feel like she did. So I want you to leave."

She walks past me making sure we don't touch. She unlocks the door and holds it open for me to walk though. My blood is running cold has she doesn't look up when I walk to her. We don't say a word as she closes the door and locks it. This right here hurts ten times worse than when I found Brittany cheating.

I'm in love with Kacey, and she doesn't know it.

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