Late-night of He Who Casted Away

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Interviews were so much more annoying than what Matthew had thought of. His group and even Aziroth were bombarded with so many questions that they didn't know. And was unsure on how to answer. Even some students pestered them so often that Elyssia had a vexed expression on her face for a long time.

Finally, it was mostly over. Everyone is getting some sleep. While there were a few teachers watching over the area. Alongside a few security guards and animals. The five strolled through the street, they passed by a few emergency tents to house the injured. Most of them went silent now.

"Good lord...Those reporters arrived fast. Just one word and they come flocking towards the school..." Rovanne rubbed her eyes, already tired from today, "Gee...I might need to learn how to do so many interviews at a time."

"You can count me out." Madhav said, "I'm never going in front of them ever again."

Aziroth looked around warily, almost like he was checking for something. But luckily, he finds nothing out of the ordinary, "Hey Aziroth." Matthew spoke.

"Hm? What?"

"Headmaster said that you might join us. Become part of the security force. Are you still up for it?"

Right. They would have known because his ancestor told them that he might join. After today, they had gained most of his respect already. Especially the trio. Now that he saw what they were capable of.

After a second of thought that felt like forever, he sighed and made his decision, "Sure. I guess it can be beneficial for both of us."

"Hooray! We're gonna get you your ring and new shabby uniform tomorrow or after tomorrow!" Rovanne cheered upon hearing the news of Aziroth joining their team.

"Hold your horses Rovanne." Elyssia said, "We still need to register him and everything."

Deep down, Elyssia was happy that Aziroth joined. It's been some time since they started to get new members to join their dwindled numbers. Now they have eight members onboard. But that's still not enough to keep things stable. Elyssia wished her brother was here. With these numbers, he would have made them sharper and sturdier than the finest blade forged by a blacksmith.

As they continued walking aimlessly before Elyssia spotted a peculiar person walking towards the post office silently. It was like finding a camouflaged animal hiding in their home terrain. You couldn't see them with the naked eye. Or if you're lucky enough and focus hard enough, spot them lurking around.

That was the case of the oddly hollow boy. If Elyssia remembered correctly, Sultan was his name. What is he doing now? Elyssia quickly jogged towards Sultan. Her members unknowingly followed her from behind.

"Hey! Excuse me!" Elyssia called out to him.

Sultan turned to her quickly, Acknowledging and analyzing her movement to search for any ill intent, but he found none, "Well hello there. May I help you?"

Matthew seemed to snap out of his trance upon seeing Sultan, "Well will you look at that! Hello again Sultan."

"Ah, Matthew. Good to see you." Sultan bowed slightly.

"Where are you heading to?" Elyssia asked him.

"I'm trying to find the post office to send a letter to my family. Do you know where it is?"

"I'll lead the way."

They led Sultan towards a building with rectangular roof tiles. And accompanied by a circular tower that reached three stories tall. A singular sign by the door reads 'Henry's Postal Office' . Stepping inside, a bell rang which woke up a boy who was sleeping by the counter.

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