Dengson-Herjur Part 2

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"Unfair. Samuel's fighting a second release..."

Gary had hoped for a good fight, that's the only reason he went to the middle. He doubts this phoenix fire woman can even access the first release. But it's six against one. Maybe that will accommodate it.

"All of you ready?" Gary asked, tapping his warhammer on the ground impatiently.

The six students nodded within each other. A single temporary alliance to beat this monster. He's the biggest threat compared to any of them alone. Seeing what he can do, they must coordinate together or else they'll fall.

A quiet second passed by without a hiccup, in the next all of them flinched and readied themselves to shoot out a magic spell or raw. Gary raised his warhammer and magic was imbued into it. He slammed the head against the floor. It broke down and cracked in a mere second, causing everyone around the area to lose their footing and shoot their magic upwards to the sky.

Arthur tried to stand up quickly, but as soon as he did, Gary was in front of him waiting, "Surprise attack-!" Gary slammed his hammer straight onto Arthur's sword. A deafening BOOM echoed as the sound of raw magic clashed against each other.

Gary reached out and grabbed the blade with his bare hands and pulled it away, before slamming his head onto Arthur's, "Gah-!"

Gary raised his warhammer again, only for it to be held back by Nicola as she used a string to bind it. Gary could easily swing it down with his strength, but Yuri came along and shoved him off Arthur. The bind on Gary's warhammer snapped as he was pushed off.

"Hragh!" Yuri brought her ax down on Gary, he simply swiped the ax away with his hammer and swung it wildly. Clashing against her ax as she pulled it up.

Gary raised his hammer up and relentlessly beat on Yuri's axe. Slowly breaking it with each strike. Everyone in the crowd was focused on other things, but a single supporter was watching Gary as he fought.

"Woooo! Yes Gary! Beat the shit out of her!"

"You're weird Aurora." Sultan commented.

"Awh come on Sultan! That girl shoved my man! She deserves the beating." She tried to grab Sultan but ended up grabbing Karasu and shook him awake suddenly.

"Don't...touch me." Sultan scoffed.

"Oh right. Sorry." Aurora let go of Karasu, who promptly fell asleep again.

Sultan couldn't shake off a bad feeling in his gut. It feels uncomfortable just sitting here and watching the fight. So he stood up and walked off, "I'm taking a quick breather. Call me when everything is done..."


Sultan went all the way to the edge of the stands. And jumped right off from the edge. Landing safely with a loud THUD on the ground. But still showing no signs of damage. He started to wander around the school. This is where he'd be doing his missions from now on. And where he'd eventually fight along.

At times like these, he wondered to himself, how did he even end up in this situation? He was just living in Jordan with his family one day, the next, he was with Hanlerk, and then he was training. Over and over again for years. From that training, he had gained some excellent skills that pairs well with his blessing. For example, excellent senses. And with it, he would have never seen the small opening near the wall.

Wait a minute, did his eyes deceive him? No, it wasn't. It was a small opening near the wall. As Sultan came closer to take a look, he could see a long dark path leading somewhere. It wasn't really dark for him with his blessing, but still, it might be something interesting. He took a deep breath, lamenting on his decision before jumping in.

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