He Who Observes

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Samuel had finally reached the dormitories. he had thought of just going inside through the front door, but a thought came to his head, 'I'm wearing a mask. They'd be suspicious of me. Worse, they'll try to fight me!' he slammed his fist on his temple before deciding to just climb through a window. Surely there will be an open one right? No, that's even stupider. Gah! Think like Donovan for a second and stop being a dumbass!

The front door. Just go through it. Why not use his eyes to see through it. Right? See who's on the other side. So far, there's no one inside so Samuel should be just fine. But wait! What about the cameras? They'll see me! Agh, Too much overthinking! just go in! Just do it. Nothing bad will happen.

Samuel gripped the door and barged right in, "I can do this! I-Shit."

He seemed to have barged in on the heat of the moment, as two students were face to face ready for a kiss or something. Or was it a confession? The boy seemed ready to just crumble as he's a nerve wrecking mess. But the girl resembled a more calm and sincere look. Samuel thought he heard someone say yes. He's glad he landed her. They might be perfect.


"W-Who are you?" The girl asked.

Samuel had to think of something. Anything quickly, make them be silent about this, He pulled out two handles from each of his pouches and activated them. Summoning two sickles as he placed by their neck.

"Don't mention what you ever saw to anyone." Samuel spoke with a cold tone, unknowingly pressing his sickle harder on their neck, "We cool?"

The two nodded quickly. Unable to speak as their body is frozen in place with fear as a lump in their throat prevents them from speaking.

"Good..." Samuel tucked his sickle away. As he was about to walk away, he rethinks it again. there's no way they'd keep it shut! gah! "Fuck it!"

He walked up to the boy and smacked him on the head with the handle of his sickle. Sending him unconscious. before the girl can react, he puffs a powder from his hands. The second she inhaled it, her vision goes blurry and she loses feeling on her limbs before shortly falling down ontop of the boy.

"That's Adoreable...Wish i can find you a place to put you...Aha! The bench!"

Samuel quickly grabbed the both of them and placed them on the nearby outside bench together. In a cuddly position. He brushes the boys hair on the area where he knocked him down. Hoping they wouldn't see it.

He quickly ran back in and opened the item Donovan gave him in class. It might be weird, but a whole list of student names with their class information and dorm room number. the headmaster gave it earlier. Possibly unorthodox. But it'll work.

He scrolled through the list and found his target. The boy with long hair that attacked him. Jacob Banster. Dorm room hundred-thirty one. Luckily for him, it's right by the corner. As Samuel quickly ran towards the door. He attempted to open it, but it was locked as always.

"Good thing I have this..." Samuel pulled out a lock opener. Before long, he began to twiddle with the lock. Hoping to get it unlocked before anyone sees him. Click Click Click

"Got it!" Samuel cheered for a second before attempting to open it. Only to be met with disappointment as the door doesn't budge, "Oh you piece of shit! HUP!"

He slammed his body against the door, finally breaking through to Jacob's room. Clothing had been scattered across the dorm in a  chaotic manner. Pieces of torn paper are laid out on the floor like some animal had clawed through them and disposed of their garbage without any care in the world on the ground. The carpet was rough and hung by the window. And a single journal was laid out by a table on the far left.

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