The Test

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Stomping sounds appeared out of the blue as Donovan spoke. The air thickened in response of the behemoth's arrival. From a short distance, Gary appeared from seemingly nowhere. His towering body lumbered towards the group. He slowly increased the terror within the candidates as he approached.

The first year had seen him before. But not the second or third. From their perspective, the only thing they knew about Gary was that he was a raging behemoth of a human. Some don't even consider him human. An unstoppable force of nature. But is he even made from Mother Nature? It's more befitting to believe he was the creation of monsters and demons.

Yuri clearly remembered what he did to her and the other five in the tournament. Even the said five received vivid flashbacks to his brutal rampage. Prince still feels protective of his neck after Gary bit down on it as he rubbed his fingers over his scar. He could file a complaint to his servants or father, but he feared that doing that would end horribly.

"Ugh...I was having a good nap asshole..." Gary rubbed his eyes. The small action caused the others to flinch.

"I know man. But! I have something fun for you to do!"

"Which is...?"

"Beat the shit out of people-"

"-WHO?!" His eyes shot wide open. The mere mention of him being tasked to fight someone immediately gave him motivation, he pointed to the candidates with hunger in his eyes, "Is it these guys?! Oh, my days...when can I fight 'em? Now? Right now?! Please?!"

"C-Calm down Gary...!" The blindfolded Samuel appeared from behind him, further shocking the candidates. It's them. It's the trio that had so-called killed the Oni-level monster, "We haven't even heard of what Don wants us to do."

"That is correct!" Donovan turned towards the candidates, in his eyes, they looked like they were pissing their pants. Which is quite a sight for him, but he doesn't desire that for himself. It's rather befitting of Gary, "So! We'll take turns performing an honoreable one versus one! A duel you can say! With Gary."

"Hey! Aren't we going to fight as well?" Matthew interjected.

Donovan turned to him with a smile, "You might be right. Elyssia, Rovanne, Azzy, would you be participating in the duels?"

The other three looked at each other before Elyssia and Rovanne shared a nod. As they turned to Aziroth, he shrugged his shoulders, "Alright. I'll help."

"Wonderful!" Donovan turned back around, "You won't only be fighting Gary. But you have the chance of fighting the other three."

Most of the candidates breathed a sigh of relief. Who wouldn't? Who would want to fight a towering monster with the strength of a hundred dragons and the ferocity of a battle-addicted chihuahua on drugs?

"Let's get started! Everyone, please take a seat somewhere on the ground, or bench. Or stretch your body if you're lucky because I'm going to be choosing now-"

Elyssia cleared her throat, "OR...We can call their names one by one with this-!" She held up a clipboard with a list of names on a sheef of paper, "This will make it easier to complete the trial and give our thoughts."

"Why not! So here's how it goes, you duel one of our members, we watch your actions and write down comments, score you out of ten, yada yada. You know what we mean." Donovan explained the final few details, "Now! Let's truly start. Elyssia, call out the first candidates."

She turned her gaze towards the clipboard, "Alright, let's see here...Prince Mudenda. Prince? Are you here?"

Every candidate turned to Prince, who stood there idle. Drowning in hesitation and uncertainty, "H-Here..." As he raised his hands, he prayed that he didn't need to fight Gary again. It was a nightmare dealing with him with six people, Imagine a duel with him.

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