The Fox And The Bear

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Donovan and Gary await by a tree that stands under the radiating sunlight. Around them, a short ten-foot invisible bubble surrounds the two of them as the other students around them avoid the sudden outsiders from the lower rank classes.

No one wanted to talk to them. They had heard of three new students getting accepted into the S-rank regiment three months after school started. The news has spread like wildfire on the same day. Rumors scatter around surrounding them. None were very nice or complimentary—quite the opposite.

As the words follow, so do hatred, and disdain. A collective loathing is directed towards the trio. 'How can someone from the lower ranks live with us? This is disrespectful.' Or 'I worked hard to get into S-rank. How can they be invited inside?'

It's followed by constant bombardment of the headmaster's office. Berating him on accepting the trio. It's not even the first years, the second and third years followed suit. Having been complaining about the acceptance non-stop.

Samuel could see it. A small collective crowd formed behind the same boy who instigated the attack on them back in class. He wishes he could intervene, but he stays back, hidden somewhere. Out of sight, Out of notice. Though, Donovan and Gary had already known about the oncoming attack. They just wait for it to come to them. They're too lazy to stand up and confront it head-on.

"It's the same boy..." Donovan moves his hat off his face and onto his head like normal.

"Yeah, I see that. They look angry." Gary took a final bite of his apple before unnaturally swallowing the core entirely.

"God, you always creep me out with that." Donovan stood up and held his hand out to Gary. Before he took it and stood up with Donovan.

The crowd behind the boy had stepped inside the bubble. Slowly walking towards the two boys. Gary was about to hold his hand out to grab something in the air. But Donovan pushes his hand down. Shaking his head no. Gary scoffed before scratching his shoulder. He can feel the sleeves slightly pull apart from it.

The long-haired boy from class finally comes within hearing range. As Donovan spoke first, "How can I help you fine lads today?"

"Not much you can do." The boy said, "But it would be wonderful if you told us why you're here."

"Well, Mister...what's your name?"


"Well, Jacob, I'm afraid all we can answer is that we're just that good. The headmaster saw our potential and put us inside this wonderful establishment. And we aren't leaving anytime soon." Donovan can feel the burning gaze that attempts to drill through his iron-coated skin.

"Cut the bullshit. We all know about what you do back there. And we find it impossible to believe you managed to get in here." Jacob's face darkened.

"Ok. And?"

"Tell the truth. How did you get accepted here?"

Gary slowly grabs his sleeves, ready to tear it off at a moment's notice. Jacob seems to be the class president. Everyone follows him around like a dog. Donovan made some signals to Gary with his hands behind his back. Telling him to get ready. In the meantime, Samuel had found his mark. In a short moment, he pulls his mask up and dashes off towards the first-year dormitories using the signs as a guide.

Donovan can sense Samuel running off. So he decided to follow through with his desire, "I'd rather not say. I quite like it here and we don't plan on leaving."

"Watch it Irish."

"Alright Goldilocks."


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