Golden Bridge

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Samuel, Gary and Donovan quickly strolled through the streets of the academy. Taking the more quiet and unseen roads to reach the golden gates. The other two appear to have forgotten where the gates were located. But Donovan remembered. He led them through the buildings, and onto an open field.

The green luscious flora brushed lightly against the wind. A sweet aroma filled the air as the three admired the view. This was prettier than they remember. Over in the distance, a gate stands tall. Gleaming under the radiant shine of the sun among the cloudless azure blue sky.

Samuel admired the view, wondering how their life would be on the other side of the gate. But then he remembered again. Probably shit. If Rovanne knew about their reputation, then surely the other students would have known. And chances are, they have a superiority complex.

While the three admired the view, they remained oblivious to the crowd forming behind them. Only then when they finally grasp a good view of the gate, did Samuel notice the crowd. He's surprised that he didn't see them earlier. Maybe he was so entranced by the view that he temporarily forgotten to be wary and focused.

"Guys. Behind us." Samuel nudged on both of his friends.

Donovan turned around, "Oh? Quite the crowd we had attracted."

The shouts started. Ranging from insults, berating the three, and half-hearted complaints are what makes up most of the shouting. Donovan seemed unbothered by this. Samuel disliked it, but Gary? Bad news.

"What the hell is all this?! Why are you three here?!" A familiar voice shouted from the crowd. It was of a kid they usually fought with. Johnathan was his name.

"Like it or not, we rose up the ranks! S-class now bikkja!" Gary shouted back at the crowd.

"Gary-why did you...Oh god..." Samuel palmed his face. The crowd became even more riled up, the complains doubled in response to Gary's words.

Donovan seemed to be enjoying the chaos happening. Before stepping infront of Gary, catching a stone that was thrown at Gary, "Uh uh!" He wagged his finger, "No you don't!"

He landed firmly on his feet. Tossing the stone up and down his hands as he spoke, "Now which one of you here threw it?! This is not the eighteen hundreds! Which one of you huh? You? You! I knew it was you, Malcolm!" He wrapped the stone in a soft gelatin. A soft whisper conjured the gelatin to form on the ball. This is to turn the stone softer, so it won't straight up kill the child. And he reeled back and threw it back at the crowd. Causing them to disperse.

Samuel couldn't believe what was happening. Nor does he have the energy to stop it. He tried before, and it was too mentally draining. He was like an old lady trying to manage a Pitbull and raging bull at the same time.

His friends remained oblivious. But not Samuel. As he turned around to see the gates grind open with the help of gears. A gleaming shine seeped out from inside. A single boy stepped out of the gate. A strapping young one. A stern and confident expression settled on the young boy face. He seems to be similarly aged with the other three boys.

He runs his fingers through his brown hair, before he turned to Samuel, "These your friends?"

"Yes. Don't hurt them. I all but drained any energy left for dealing with them." 

The boy nodded, before turning back towards Donovan and Gary. He slowly stepped towards them. His presence is spotted by the crowd, and they slowly begin to die down in sound. Donovan caught onto this immediately, holding his hands up a bit before stepping back. 

"All yours. Good luck." Donovan nodded his head towards Gary. 

Gary is still oblivious. Gloating in the fact that the crowd had shrunk and had been silenced. Not knowing that it wasn't him who silenced them. The boy raised his foot and stepped on the air; His foot remained in place as he lifts his other foot up. And it too remained locked in the air. It's as if he is walking up invisible stairs to reach the height of Gary.

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