The Blessing In Disguise

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"Would anyone like to answer?" Mister Kiro asked. From the right of the trio, a girl raised their arms, "Yes. Miss Caitlin. Please answer me."

She stood up, making her presence known to the class, "Magic is a form of energy. A permeable particle that hangs all around us that can have special properties when utilized specifically. WHile blessing is a rare innate power that someone can have that ranges between quality-of-life changes, or powers that can alter their biological bodies." Donovan can imagine a round glasses on the speakers face. Almost as if he's mocking her. In his own head.

"Well done. Continuing off magic, how exactly can it be utilized? Mister Oliver. Yes, answer me." Mister Kiro asked.

Another boy from the far corner stood up, "We all have a certain level of affinity to the magic around us. It determines how much we can basically control the energy. And how effectively we can use it. It would start off with taking a single bundle of magic, and with our hearts and mind working in conjunction, alter their properties into whatever we want. Sort of like morphing Play-Doh."

"Excellent answer." Mister Kiro turned to the board and draws a stickman. With an orb around him, "What Mister Oliver said here was accurate. We all can control magic to a degree. It is to our preference on how we intend to use it. Now I hope you use it for good intentions..."

He turns to the class, a stern look on his face as he eyes everybody. Especially the long-haired boy and the trio, "I'd be very disappointed if you weren't..." He turns back to the board, changing his tone immediately, "Now. It has only been a few months, and many S-class student here has recently joined without choosing a magic path. And you may be asking, what is a magic path?"

This piqued Donovan's curiosity. As he started to focus more as Gary nudged at him to listen, Samuel has been listening intently for most of the time now, "Magic path are a way to channel the essence and turning it into whatever the user desires. They are techniques of magic. Let's take an example."

He pulled out two apples from his bag. And took a step back. before holding his finger out. The class remains on the edge of their seat as they watch the demonstration by a teacher, "This is with raw magic." A beam of light quickly zoomed through the apple from his finger. Leaving a wide hole inside the apple. The students weren't exactly thrilled, they had seen this stuff already, "And me using my magic path."

The second apple is slowly lifted in the air, before a sudden invisible force crushes it into pieces, letting the remains drop onto the floor. Now the students were in awe. But Donovan was quickly shut down. He's seen this before. And was hoping to see something more unique.

"See the difference? raw magic is potent, but inaccurate and sometimes unreliable. But magic paths changes that. Depending on your preferences and strength, you'll be able to choose what magic path we can offer to you. Which are hundreds of them." Mister Kiro smiles, "Any questions?"

A majority of the class rose their hands, "Alright, i can't answer all of them." Mister Kiro frowned, "You. Miss Akane."

"When are we able to choose what magic path we will study in the future?" She asked.

"Soon. I don't know when, but since you all are first years in S-class, I presume it would be soon. Choose wisely. The magic path you choose would often be the one that will stick with you forever." Mister Kiro said.

The small murmur echoes through the class as they discuss over the different possible magic paths they would choose. Mister Kiro advised them to do research on the internet, or more preferably the library due to how much hidden information it keeps inside. Research the magic paths that interests them. And see how they work. they can even ask the second-year and third-year seniors on demonstrations.

Samuel twirls his pencil in anticipation, "Hey guys...What magic path do you think we should go for?"

Donovan and Gary slowly turned to him at the same time. Giving a look that reads, 'Are you kidding me right now?' Samuel couldn't understand why, "What?"

"Sammy..." Donovan leaned in with Gary, and whispers, "We already have one...Did you forget?"

"Oh right..." Samuel scratched his head, "I forgot..."

"It's alright really." Gary said, "Just...don't tell anyone."

"Alright. But there's another thing I want to tell you..." Samuel scanned the room quickly, most of them had seem to have forgotten about them. But he still can sense a strand of red in someone, "Someone's scared here."

"Well obviously." Gary chuckles, before sitting back and flexing his muscles, "Who would want to mess with the great...Gar-"

"No. Gary. Not like that. Someone is truly afraid. Like, the type of 'afraid' you'd see when someone is on the verge of dying or when someone has their family threatened or something." Samuel said. Donovan and Gary's tone changed. 

As they lean in closer, Gary asked the obvious question, "Why would anyone be so afraid here?"

"That's the thing. We don't know. What should I do with this...Information?" Samuel asked.

Donovan thought for a second, before he told Samuel, "Just keep it cool. But in break, I'm confident we'd be attacked by this class. So, I want you, out of sight. Carefully watching the other people here. Find your target Sammy. And then do whatever you see fit."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"You'll find out. Here, take this." Donovan slipped an envelope into Samuel's hand, "Just put on your mask, stay out of sight, and open this when you found your target."

"Alright...I will." Samuel stored it in his pockets, making sure he doesn't lose it before focusing back into the lesson.

"Alright everyone!" Mister Kiro clapped his hands to silence the class, "You can discuss all about this later. But right now, let's continue with class. Now, tell me, what was a blessing again?"

Multiple kids raised their hands, Miser Kiro picked a random student, "Yes. Mister Smith."

"A blessing are rare gifts bestowed on a lucky person the moment they are born. They can range from a second ability that is mostly unique for everyone, and sometimes a mutation in the human biology."

"Excellent. Now people with blessings are very sought after. Many mages and warriors with blessings tend to have a high rank in society due to it. It's unfair, I agree, but that's just how life is."

He leaned on the desk infront of him that faces the class, "But here's the real kicker, how can we figure out someone has a blessing, how can we figure out their ability? And how can we counter it? It'll be difficult to do so. But don't be discouraged, there are a number of instances where a normal mage had bested someone with a blessing." Just as he said that a bell tolled from above the roof. Signaling the end of class.

"And that is all for today. Pack up your bags and leave for recess. I'll see you tomorrow for the next lesson."

Samuel quickly took something from his pouches, gripping it tightly, he stared at his friends for confirmation. And they give him a nod. As the other kids slowly walked out, with Aziroth following suit with little to no emotions on his face, Gary and Donovan left last. Speaking to each other about a random subject. Particularly being the old franchise Star Wars.

As Mister Kiro locked the door behind him, he failed to notice that it was a duo instead of a trio. For Samuel had disappeared from sight. An open window hanging loosely as a cold breeze brushed past the school. As Donovan and Gary exited into the open field outside the building, they can already feel the red mark on their heads. And they'll gladly wait. hanging by a tree as Samuel watched on. Out of sight. And out of range.

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