Chapter 41: Jiraiya in Trouble

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"Yahiko, did you steal Nagato's eyes?" Jiraiya asked, his voice a mixture of confusion and dread.

The figure before him, with the Rinnegan eyes glowing ominously, shook his head. "No, sensei. Yahiko passed away because we were betrayed by Hanzo. Now we are one. There is no Yahiko, nor Nagato. There is only Pain, and the world shall know pain!"

"You're crazy! It's wrong! You can't make everyone in the world suffer!" Jiraiya shouted, his heart aching for the students he once knew.

Pain's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Haha, Jiraiya-sensei, you are as naive as ever. Your vision of peace is impossible. Only if everyone knows pain can they understand each other."

Jiraiya's resolve hardened. "Then I will have to stop you."

Pain's expression remained unmoved. "Oh, sensei, do you really think you can stop me?"

Jiraiya took a deep breath, his determination unwavering. "I don't know, but only a fool who doesn't believe in himself wouldn't try!"

At that moment, two small, old toads appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders. "Ma! Pa!" Jiraiya shouted, a mix of relief and urgency in his voice. "There's no time-gather natural energy!"

The toads, Fukasaku and Shima, nodded and began to help Jiraiya enter Sage Mode. "We have to be quick, Jiraiya-boy," Fukasaku said, his voice stern but supportive.

As Jiraiya prepared, five more figures emerged from the shadows, each one wearing a black robe with red clouds and possessing the same Rinnegan eyes. Jiraiya's heart sank as he realized he was facing not just one Pain, but six.

The fight began in earnest, with Jiraiya launching himself at Pain with ferocious determination. "Sage Art: Hair Needle Senbon!" he cried, firing a barrage of hardened hair needles at the nearest Pain.

One of the Pains, the Asura Path, deflected the attack with ease, its body transforming to reveal an arsenal of hidden weapons. Jiraiya barely had time to react as a missile launched toward him. He dodged, but the explosion still sent him reeling.

Regaining his footing, Jiraiya counterattacked with a powerful kick, only for the Preta Path to absorb the chakra from his strike. "Damn it," Jiraiya muttered, realizing the versatility of his opponents.

"Water Style: Wild Water Wave!" Jiraiya shouted, sending a torrent of water crashing towards the Pains. The Human Path and Animal Path leapt out of the way, but the water wave managed to temporarily knock back the Naraka Path.

Fukasaku and Shima provided support, using their powerful sound-based jutsu to disrupt Pain's coordination. "Sage Art: Frog Call!" they cried in unison, sending a debilitating sound wave that momentarily stunned the Pains.

Jiraiya took advantage of the opening, "Sage Art: Goemon!" A massive wave of boiling oil, water, and fire surged forward, aiming to engulf the Pains. The Animal Path countered by summoning a giant crustacean, its hard shell absorbing the brunt of the attack.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Jiraiya called out, bringing forth Gamaken, the giant toad. "We need to split them up, Gamaken!" Jiraiya ordered, his voice filled with urgency.

Gamaken charged into the fray, clashing with the summons of the Animal Path. The battlefield turned into chaos as giant creatures collided, and Jiraiya used the distraction to focus on the Deva Path, the apparent leader of the Six Paths of Pain.

Jiraiya rushed the Deva Path, engaging in a fierce taijutsu exchange. Despite his enhanced strength and speed in Sage Mode, the Deva Path's Shinra Tensei repelled him with ease. Jiraiya was thrown back, crashing into the tower walls.

"Your efforts are futile, sensei," Pain declared, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "You cannot win."

Blood trickling from his mouth, Jiraiya struggled to his feet. "I won't give up. Not until my last breath."

The fight continued with relentless intensity. Jiraiya used every technique in his arsenal, but the combined abilities of the Six Paths of Pain proved overwhelming. The Deva Path's repulsion techniques, the Asura Path's mechanical enhancements, the Human Path's soul-ripping ability, the Preta Path's chakra absorption, the Naraka Path's restorative powers, and the Animal Path's summons created an insurmountable challenge.

With each passing moment, Jiraiya's movements grew slower, his strength waning. The Pains pressed their advantage, each blow and technique pushing Jiraiya closer to the brink.

Fukasaku and Shima, sensing the dire situation, tried to bolster Jiraiya's resolve. "Don't give up, Jiraiya-boy!" Fukasaku croaked, his voice filled with determination.

But the odds were too great. A powerful Shinra Tensei sent Jiraiya crashing into the ground, his Sage Mode flickering and finally dissipating. Bloodied and battered, Jiraiya lay on the ground, his breathing labored.

Pain stood over him, his expression unreadable. "This is the end, sensei. Your resistance was admirable, but ultimately futile."

Jiraiya's vision blurred, the world around him fading. "I... won't let you... destroy everything..."

With a final effort, Jiraiya attempted to rise, but his body failed him. The last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was the cold, merciless eyes of Pain.

 The last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was the cold, merciless eyes of Pain

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