Chapter 50: Eyes of a God

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Tetsuya lay in the hospital bed, his body slowly adjusting to the infusion of Hashirama's cells. Tsunade had insisted on him taking time to rest and recover, even though the procedure had been a success. The regenerative properties of the cells were working wonders, mending his injuries and restoring his chakra reserves, but the toll of the battle and the subsequent treatment had left him drained.

The room was quiet, save for the soft beeping of the monitoring equipment. Tetsuya's thoughts drifted as he lay there, reflecting on the recent events. The battle with Nagato, the near-death experience, the desperate gamble with Hashirama's cells—all of it had left him with a deeper understanding of his own limits, and of the people around him.

A light knock on the door drew his attention. It opened to reveal Itachi Uchiha, who stepped in with his usual calm demeanor.

"Itachi-kun," Tetsuya greeted, his voice still weak but tinged with warmth. "What brings you here?"

"Just checking up on you, Tetsuya-sensei" Itachi replied, a small smile on his lips. "I heard you were confined to bed, and I thought I could assist you with your duties while you recover."

Tetsuya chuckled softly, though it quickly turned into a wince. "I'm not sure there's much I can do from here, but your help is always welcome."

Itachi moved a small table closer to the bed and set down a stack of reports. "I can handle the paperwork for now. You just need to rest. Tsunade-sama would probably break a wall if she found out you were trying to work."

Tetsuya laughed again, this time more carefully. "True. She's been more protective than usual."

As Itachi began sorting through the documents, the two of them fell into a comfortable silence. Tetsuya watched Itachi with a sense of pride and affection. Over the years, their bond had grown stronger—Itachi was more than just a student to him; he was like family.

"Thank you, Itachi-kun," Tetsuya said after a while, breaking the silence. "For always being there when I need you."

Itachi looked up, his expression softening. "You've always been there for me, Tetsuya-sensei. It's only natural that I'd do the same for you."

The two shared a moment of mutual respect and understanding, a bond that had been forged through years of shared experiences and hardships.

A few days later, after Tetsuya had regained some of his strength, a meeting was called in his office. Tsunade, Hiruzen, Jiraiya, and Kakashi were all present, their faces a mixture of curiosity and concern. It was rare for all of them to gather like this, and they knew it had to be something important.

Tetsuya, now dressed in his Hokage robes but still moving with a slight stiffness, took his place behind the desk. His eyes met each of theirs in turn, lingering for a moment longer on Hiruzen, his mentor and predecessor.

"Thank you all for coming," Tetsuya began, his tone serious. "There's something I need to show you all."

With a swift motion, he unsealed a small container from a seal on his wrist. The room grew tense as he carefully placed the container on the desk and unlatched the lid. Inside, resting on a cushion, were a pair of eyes—glowing with the unmistakable power of the Rinnegan.

The room fell into a stunned silence. Hiruzen's eyes widened in shock, Tsunade's mouth opened slightly as if to speak but no words came out, Jiraiya's usual jovial demeanor was replaced by a deep frown, and even Kakashi, always composed, couldn't hide his surprise.

"Tetsuya... is that what I think it is?" Jiraiya finally asked, his voice low.

Tetsuya nodded. "These are Nagato's Rinnegan. I managed to retrieve them after our battle."

"Why... why would you bring them here?" Tsunade asked, her voice a mix of confusion and concern.

"That's the question I wanted to ask all of you," Tetsuya replied. "These eyes hold immense power—power that could be used for great good or unimaginable destruction. We need to decide what to do with them."

Hiruzen, the most experienced of them, spoke first. "The Rinnegan is a tool of the gods. Its power can reshape the world, for better or for worse. We must tread carefully. The wrong decision could have catastrophic consequences."

Jiraiya nodded, his usual carefree attitude replaced by the wisdom of years. "We've all seen what the Rinnegan can do in the wrong hands. But if we destroy them, we lose the chance to use that power for good."

"But who could we trust with such power?" Tsunade interjected, her voice edged with concern. "Even if we find someone worthy, the Rinnegan could corrupt them. Power like that... it's a heavy burden."

Kakashi, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "There's also the question of the potential benefits. The Rinnegan could be a powerful tool in defending the village. But it's a double-edged sword. We can't ignore the risks."

The room fell into a tense silence as each of them weighed the pros and cons in their minds.

Finally, Tetsuya broke the silence. "We can't ignore the potential that these eyes hold. But we must be cautious. The decision of who should wield them is not one to be taken lightly."

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "We need someone who not only has the strength to wield the Rinnegan but also the wisdom and resolve to use it for the right reasons."

Jiraiya added, "It has to be someone we can trust implicitly, someone who understands the weight of this responsibility."

Tsunade sighed, rubbing her temples as she processed everything. "But who? Who among us could take on that burden without being consumed by it?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and unanswered. Each of them knew the gravity of the situation—they were deciding the future of the Rinnegan, a power that could either save the world or destroy it.

Tetsuya closed the container, sealing the Rinnegan once more. "We don't have to decide right now," he said, his voice steady. "But we need to keep this in mind as we move forward. Whoever wields these eyes will shape the future of not just Konoha, but the entire world."

The others nodded, understanding the weight of the decision that lay ahead. As they left the office, each of them was lost in their own thoughts, pondering the possibilities and the dangers that the Rinnegan represented.

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