Chapter 49: Old and New bonds

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Tetsuya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru found themselves in one of the hidden laboratories deep within Konoha's underground complex. The lab, long abandoned since Orochimaru's defection, had been reactivated for this singular purpose. The air was thick with the scent of chemicals and old paper, a testament to the years of experiments that had once been conducted here.

Orochimaru, now without the full scope of his powers due to the chakra-sealing techniques placed on him, still moved with an air of confidence and purpose. His pale fingers danced over the array of instruments, his sharp eyes glinting with a mixture of mischief and keen interest. Tetsuya watched him closely, unable to deny the brilliance that Orochimaru exuded, even in these restricted conditions.

"Ah, Tsunade, my dear teammate," Orochimaru began in a silky tone, his voice laced with amusement, "it's quite nostalgic, isn't it? Working together in a lab, just like the old days. Though, of course, you were always more inclined to smash things than to study them."

Tsunade's eyebrow twitched in irritation, but she maintained her focus as she prepared a series of medical instruments and chakra seals. "You're lucky you're still breathing, Orochimaru. Don't push it," she warned, her tone a mixture of annoyance and genuine exasperation.

Orochimaru chuckled softly, seemingly unfazed by her ire. "Always the hothead. But then again, it was that fiery spirit that made you such an excellent medic—and quite the challenge to provoke. Though, Tetsuya-sama, I must say, she does have a soft spot. It's usually for sake, but occasionally, she shows it for people too."

Tsunade shot him a deadly glare. "If you keep running that mouth, Orochimaru, I might just show you how 'soft' my fist can be."

Tetsuya watched the exchange with an amused smile, sensing the old camaraderie beneath the surface tension. Despite the years of betrayal and conflict, there was an undeniable bond between Tsunade and Orochimaru—a history that couldn't be erased, no matter how much time had passed. He marveled at how easily Orochimaru could rile Tsunade up with just a few words, yet still manage to keep the situation under control.

Orochimaru's gaze shifted to Tetsuya, his tone turning serious as he inspected the genetic material that had been extracted from the First Hokage's cells. "Now, Tetsuya-sama, this is where things get truly interesting. The cells of Hashirama Senju are unlike anything else in the world. They possess regenerative properties that could, theoretically, restore your body to its former glory—and perhaps even enhance it. But," he added, with a gleam in his eye, "the process is delicate. It's not just about infusing the cells. We must ensure they integrate with your chakra network without causing rejection."

Tetsuya nodded, stepping closer to observe the intricate procedures that Orochimaru was beginning to lay out. As much as he was wary of the snake-like shinobi, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Orochimaru's sheer brilliance. Even without his full chakra abilities, Orochimaru operated on a level that few could ever hope to reach.

Tsunade, despite her misgivings, couldn't deny the validity of Orochimaru's methods. She begrudgingly handed him a series of medical tools, her focus on the procedure rather than the banter. "If this goes wrong, Orochimaru, Tetsuya will be in worse shape than before. This isn't a game."

"Of course not, Tsunade," Orochimaru replied smoothly, his voice devoid of its usual mocking tone. "I have no desire to see Tetsuya-sama suffer needlessly. In fact, I find this challenge rather invigorating. It's not every day I get to work with such unique material—and such a resilient subject."

Tetsuya observed the two Sannin as they worked in tandem, their arguments fading into the background as they fell into a rhythm of collaboration. He could see why they had once been considered an unstoppable team. Tsunade's precision and medical expertise, combined with Orochimaru's innovative and, admittedly, unorthodox techniques, created a synergy that was mesmerizing to watch.

Orochimaru, ever the strategist, began laying out a plan to introduce Hashirama's cells into Tetsuya's system. "The key lies in gradual integration," Orochimaru explained, his hands deftly moving over the delicate equipment. "If we flood Tetsuya's body with these cells too quickly, they'll overpower his natural chakra network. But if we introduce them slowly, in controlled stages, the cells will begin to merge with his existing system. This will allow his body to adapt, growing stronger in the process."

Tsunade nodded, her mind racing through the possibilities and potential complications. "We'll need to monitor his vitals closely. Any sign of rejection, and we'll have to pull back immediately. The risk of overloading his system is too great."

Tetsuya, listening intently, felt a deep sense of respect for both Sannin. He could see the subtle shifts in Tsunade's demeanor—how her initial anger had given way to cautious acceptance of Orochimaru's expertise. In turn, Orochimaru seemed to relish the challenge, his intellect shining through in every detail he considered.

As the procedure began, Tetsuya lay back on the table, feeling a mixture of anxiety and determination. Orochimaru's hands moved with a precision that belied his reputation as a mad scientist. Every step of the process was calculated, every decision weighed against the potential outcomes. Tsunade, her chakra focused and steady, kept a close eye on Tetsuya's condition, ready to intervene at the first sign of trouble.

Hours passed as the two Sannin worked together, their former animosities set aside for the sake of the mission. Tetsuya's body began to respond to the treatment, the infusion of Hashirama's cells slowly taking hold. There were moments of tension, where Tsunade would stiffen and Orochimaru would pause, recalculating their approach. But gradually, the process moved forward, with Tetsuya's chakra system beginning to stabilize.

Then, something remarkable happened. As Orochimaru carefully monitored the integration of the cells, he noticed a unique pattern emerging within Tetsuya's chakra network—a pattern that hinted at an even greater potential.

"Tsunade," Orochimaru called out, his voice tinged with excitement, "look at this. The cells are not only integrating—they're enhancing his chakra pathways. This level of compatibility... It's unprecedented. If this continues, Tetsuya-sama could not only recover but surpass his previous limits."

Tsunade leaned in, her eyes widening as she realized what Orochimaru was saying. "This could be the breakthrough we've been searching for... We might be able to use this to enhance his physical capabilities as well."

Tetsuya, despite the exhaustion that gripped his body, felt a surge of hope. The risk had been great, but it seemed that the gamble was paying off. He could sense the power beginning to return to his limbs, the chakra flowing more smoothly than it had in days.

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