Chapter 48: The Dangerous Path to Recovery

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Tsunade's hands hovered over Tetsuya's body as a soft green glow emanated from her palms. The silence in the room was thick with tension, Shizune standing close by, her eyes filled with worry. Tetsuya lay on the

examination table, his body still aching from the battle with Nagato. He could feel the faint warmth of Tsunade's chakra as she meticulously scanned his body, her expression growing more serious with each passing moment.

Finally, Tsunade stepped back, her brow furrowed with concern. "It's just as I feared, Tetsuya," she began, her voice tinged with sadness. "You've lost nearly half of your chakra. The strain from using the Fujin Jutsu: Phoenix Cursed Rebirth was immense, and your body is severely weakened. Your chakra network has been damaged, and your physical strength has diminished considerably."

Tetsuya frowned, his mind racing. "Is there any way to recover? To get back to my full strength?"

Tsunade looked at him, her expression conflicted. "There might be a way, but it's extremely dangerous. The procedure itself is risky, and there's no guarantee that it will work. If anything goes wrong, it could cause even more damage—or worse."

Tetsuya's eyes narrowed, determination flickering in them. "I'm willing to take that risk, Tsunade. I need to be at my best if I'm going to protect the village. Whatever it takes, I'll do it."

Tsunade hesitated, her gaze falling to the floor as she considered his words. The room was silent as she wrestled with her thoughts. Finally, she sighed, looking up at Tetsuya with resolve in her eyes.

"There's one possibility," she said slowly. "But it will require the assistance of someone... unconventional. Someone who knows more about genetic manipulation and experimentation than anyone else."

Tetsuya's heart skipped a beat, understanding immediately. "You mean Orochimaru."

Tsunade nodded grimly. "Yes. Orochimaru has extensive knowledge of the human body, far beyond what most medics could ever hope to achieve. He was also the one who conducted the initial experiments on Hashirama's cells. If anyone can help us, it's him."

A heavy silence fell over the room as Tetsuya processed this. The idea of seeking help from Orochimaru, a traitor and former enemy of Konoha, was unsettling. But Tetsuya knew that his options were limited.

"Let's do it," Tetsuya finally said, his voice steady. "If it's the only way, then we don't have a choice."

Tsunade nodded, her expression resolute. "Very well. But I'm coming with you. Orochimaru can't be trusted, and we need to be cautious."

A short while later, Tetsuya and Tsunade made their way to the underground cells where Orochimaru was being held. The corridor was dark and cold, the air thick with an ominous presence. As they approached the reinforced door, two ANBU guards stepped aside, allowing them to pass.

Inside the cell, Orochimaru was seated on a simple cot, his serpentine eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and amusement as they entered. His pale face twisted into a sly smile as he saw Tsunade and Tetsuya.

"Well, well," Orochimaru purred, his voice silky smooth. "The Fifth Hokage and my dear teammate, Tsunade. What a delightful surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Tetsuya stood firm, meeting Orochimaru's gaze with unwavering resolve. "We need your help, Orochimaru. I've been severely weakened, and my chakra network is damaged. Tsunade believes you might have a way to restore my strength."

Orochimaru's smile widened, his eyes narrowing in interest. "I can certainly feel that you're not at your full capacity, Tetsuya-sama. It's fascinating to see someone like you in such a vulnerable state."

Tsunade stepped forward, her tone stern. "Enough games, Orochimaru. We need to know if it's possible to use Hashirama's cells to restore Tetsuya's body and chakra network."

Orochimaru leaned back against the wall, tapping his fingers together thoughtfully. "Ah, Hashirama's cells... Truly remarkable, the power they hold. But you must understand, Tsunade, that even with Hashirama's cells, the procedure is highly experimental. The risks are substantial. There's no guarantee that Tetsuya's body will accept the cells. In fact, the chances of success are quite slim."

Tetsuya clenched his fists, his resolve unshaken. "I don't care about the risks. If there's a chance, no matter how small, I'll take it."

Orochimaru's eyes glinted with amusement. "You truly are determined, aren't you? Very well, I'm willing to assist. But I'll need the proper resources and time to prepare. This is no simple task."

Tsunade exchanged a wary glance with Tetsuya before nodding. "You'll have what you need. But understand this, Orochimaru—if you try anything, if you so much as think of betraying us, I will personally ensure that you'll regret it."

Orochimaru chuckled darkly. "Oh, Tsunade, you wound me. I have no reason to betray you. After all, what fun would it be if I didn't get to see how this turns out?"

Tetsuya stared at Orochimaru, his expression determined. "We'll proceed. Prepare everything you need, Orochimaru. The sooner we begin, the better."

Orochimaru nodded, a twisted smile playing on his lips. "As you wish, Hokage-sama. Let the preparations begin. I look forward to seeing the results of this little experiment."

With that, the deal was struck. The fate of Tetsuya Senju now rested in the hands of the most dangerous and cunning mind in the shinobi world.

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