Chapter Three

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Chapter Three 

"Green eyes, freckles, and your smile." 

 "Hey, Rue," she heard the sound of Ron's voice as he sat across from her in the Great Hall. "Is that a Wizard's Chess set?" His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion – focusing briefly on the papers tucked into the Astronomy textbook she'd brought from home. Though, as he looks up at her, and she nods her head simply, she continues arranging the pieces – he and Harry seem to be more focused on the chess set. He takes the seat across from her, and Harry is quick to slide in next to him on the bench at the long, oak table that the Gryffindors sat at during the grand feast.

"Have you ever played before?" Rue questions with innocence, a curved upwards sort of smile resting on her features. She notices Harry taking interest in the set as well, and presumes he's never played before from the confusion on his features – to him, it appears as an ordinary chess set – just with odd pieces and an odd name. Harry shakes his head, but Ron nods his head eagerly.

"All the time," he confesses sheepishly, his freckled cheeks tinting pink unintentionally. "I have a set – it was my grandfather's," he mumbles, and Rue smiles at the sentiment, nodding her head in understanding.

"This one was my father's," she points out. "Though, he really only used it when he was playing with mum." Ron notices the fondness in her voice when she speaks about her parents, and so does Harry. "I'm not very good when I play, though... Dad's better." She admits, as Ron helps her arrange the pieces on his side in an orderly fashion.

"I'll have you know, I've had loads of practice. All of my siblings are rubbish — except maybe Percy, but I've played him a few times," he admits, the flush fading fast as he begins to boast, and Rue grins, a hoarse laugh escaping her.

"We'll see if you're up to par, then." She jokes, and he grins as well. Harry smiles, and the two of them begin to play. Ron moves his first piece, and she moves hers next. The game is slow, Ron with his head in the palm of his hands, and Rue with her chin on her elbow as they put off studying to enjoy the sunlight streaming through the Great Hall – all while playing chess.

"What did you speak to Professor Snape about?" Ron asked, looking at her curiously. He moves one of his pieces – a pawn move – to try and take out one of his pieces to get her knight cornered. She takes the bait.

"I just wanted to ask him and Professor Potter about what we'd be learning, that's all." She reassured, moving another piece in the game. She looks over at Harry. "Have you spoken to him at all, Harry?" She asks, and he shakes his head, looking over at the Potter man, who was speaking with the same boy who had spoken to Hagrid the moment they'd gotten off the train. They were at the Slytherin table, going over an essay for Potions.

"No, but he seems exceptional at Potions," Harry sighs. "Something I'm not good at," he mutters. "Do you thin–"

"Don't start comparing yourself to your father and– Dragon Boogeys! – Sorry–" She whispers, when Professor Potter looks over at the sound of her loud cursing, along with the rest of their peers. Ron had just taken her out with a checkmate, after she so recklessly moved her knight halfway through the game. Most of her pieces were sacrificed. "Don't start comparing yourself to your parents – They would be proud of you, Harry." She reassures him gently, and he gives a simple nod of the head, cracking a smile at her sudden outburst.

William Potter comes bounding over, running a hand over his messy head of hair. "Shouldn't you three be studying?" He asks them.

"That's what I've been saying, Professor. They just don't listen," Hermione scolds, looking back at the trio, and William cracks an amused grin, looking back at Ron, Harry, and Rue as Hermione shakes her head.

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