Chapter Five

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Chapter Five 

"But I'm obsessed with ideas, one day I'll go far." 

"Again?" Hermione asks, as the Golden Trio has been pulled into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom by Meissa Lestrange – who had noticed the tension between Ruelle and her friends since she started brewing the potion with her two new Slytherin friends. "You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asks, leaning over August's shoulder from the stall and watching him work expertly over the cauldron.

"That's what Dobby said," August tells them, and Harry looks alarmed at the trio. Harry, as well as the others, had noticed that August was trying to conceal his frown when he spoke. It was as if he were awfully gloomy in the corridor earlier that day. He knew, and they knew, and their classmates had realized at one point or another, that Arden Jones didn't want to be around him at some point during the opening of the Chamber of Secrets. Perhaps, because he was a Slytherin with Death Eaters for parents, she'd believed he'd done it?

"You spoke to Dobby?" Harry asks. "Did he follow us to Hogwarts?" He looks at Ron, who shrugs – munching on a bit of chocolate Rue had given him. Harry rolls his eyes – a hint of anger spreading through him at Rue's cold shoulder – as he watches the trio plus Hermione work on the potion, and discuss the matter, alongside Ron.

"I think he might've," August responds; "he's a smart little house elf, ain't he?" He points the spoon he'd been stirring with at Meissa, who nods her head, arms folded, as she leans against the sinks of the bathroom, on lookout. August returns to stirring. "I think he's watching. Dobby's paranoid... He thinks something's going to happen. History will repeat, he says–" August continues the latter sentence in a higher pitched voice, but Rue merely thwacks him on the shoulder, causing the trio to laugh.

"Don't you see?" Ron starts. "Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here." He continues, "now he's taught Draco how to do it."

"Maybe," Rue starts, looking to Meissa, who shrugs. "We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure," she continues. "Which is where you three come in–" She looks to Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"Oh, so now she speaks to us." Harry mutters bitterly, and Ron hits him lightly on the arm, before looking to Rue with an encouraging nod of the head.

"We need someone to change into Malfoy's friends and go in disguise. Speak to him about the Chamber of Secrets." August tells them, eyeing the quartet. "Rue would do it, but it's a full-moon the night before the Potion is set to finish. And Meissa and I are going to investigate the voices a bit more."

"Enlighten me." Ron starts, looking at them. "Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight... in the middle of the girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" He asks, and August shakes his head, grinning.

"Oh, you three haven't met her yet, have you?" He asks with a grin. "Myrtle!" He calls out, and there's a splash in the toilets. "Hey, Myrtle!" He continues again, and the ghost pops out of the stall, leaning against the top of it and fluttering her eyelashes at the Slytherin boy.

"I heard you, Gussy. I just had to fix my hair and make it all nice and pretty–" She laughs, and if she were alive, she would've been blushing and twirling her hair.

"She has a crush on him," Rue leans forward and whispers to the trio sitting around the lavatory. Myrtle glares at Rue.

"Are you trying to embarrass me, Lupin? How would you feel if I called you Loony Little Lupin? It's not nice, now, is it?" She screeches, diving back into the toilets.

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