Chapter One

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Chapter One 

"Well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice." 

It was the week before school, and Rue was staying with the Weasley family;

Fred and George had also invited August Prior – a close friend they'd made through Quidditch – to stay with them. Harry was supposed to come – but he wasn't responding to letters. Rue was confused – she'd even written to him, inviting him to her house over the summer – but he hadn't responded.

"When do you think Harry will write?" She asks Ron, looking out the window as they sit in the Burrow. "Do you think he'll make the train?" She questions, looking back at him, as they continue playing with the Wizard's Chess set. Her voice is hushed as the sound of everyone getting ready to go to sleep could be heard.

August and the twins' voices coming down the stairs could be heard. Gus looks at the two of them, sitting gloomily in the sitting room. "Should we take them with us?" He asks, looking back at the twins. "They could help us – He is their friend–" He starts, and the twins cave, giving a chorus of; "Yeah," and "sure," at the same time.

"Alright, c'mon —" August tells them both, coaxing them out of their spots with a wave of the hand. Rue looks stunned, glancing at Ron with uncertainty. He gives a nod of the head – and they follow his brothers and August out of the house, and down the makeshift driveway, where Mr. Weasley's car is.

"Hey... Those are dad's keys!" Ron spoke, pointing to Fred, who held them in his hands. Fred grinned, passing them to August, who unlocked the car door and slid into the driver's seat. "You're not actually going to drive it, are you?" He asks, concerned.

"We're going to find Harry–" George tells Ron, and Rue perks up, rushing around the car before she can be left behind. Ron, reluctantly – swallows thickly and gets into the seat next to her, in the front passenger's side. She's crammed in the middle, between him and August, who grins at the two of them. Fred and George are in the backseat.

"That worked," Gus laughs at Fred's words, and August starts up the car, backing out of the driveway and activating the flying accelerator he'd seen Mr. Weasley do so many times. He conceals the car so no Muggles can see them, and flies in the direction of Harry's neighborhood, searching for his house with Rue as a map.

"It's that house, right there – I think – Did they actually put bars on his window?" She asks, gobsmacked. The car hovers over the window, and Rue crawls to the back, as the door opens at the hands of Fred. Rue greets Harry, who is perched between the bars gloomily, though he's smiling at the sights of his friends.

"Rue? August? Ron–" He starts, "What are you doing here? Is that Fred and George?" He asks, stunned and grinning, now, as he watches them from behind the bars on his window that his Uncle Vernon had put up. Of course, at the start of the summer – his Uncle William had visited a few times, but Aunt Petunia looked as though she'd seen a ghost – so they stuck with phone calls every other week. But now, with the bars on his window, he wasn't allowed phone calls, or visits, or leaving the house. Surely, his uncle was in a panic by now, but Harry missed hearing his voice – he'd just spoken to him over the phone the other day, and that felt like ages ago. He hadn't received any letters from his friends, either, and in the morning, William Potter would call again and be wondering where his nephew was. Surely, he'd be angry.

"We're here to help you," Rue spoke excitedly, as she took the rope from the twins at the back of the car. She began attaching it to the bars on his window, and looked back at August, nodding her head – he revved the engine forward, and the bars were yanked off – but Uncle Vernon heard the disturbance from in his bedroom – and so did Harry's aunt, as well as his cousin.

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