Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Where have you been? Do you know when you're coming back?" 

"Anything from the trolley's?" The Trolley lady asked the group of teenagers. Ron looked to Rue, who sat with Ivan in her lap from next to him. August sat nearby, flipping through one of Rue's father's journals on defensive spells, not bothering to look up when the trolley lady approached.

"A packet of droobles, two licorice wands, and a chocolate frog, please." Rue spoke quietly, and Harry peered over her shoulder as she passed the trolley lady the coins, and she passed the young lycanthrope the set of sweets. Ron smiled at Rue's words, and sat upright as his girlfriend approached, and the two nestled next to each other, sharing the sweets as Harry stood staring into the corridor.

Meissa, with her cold gaze, and Cho next to her – the two of them staring at the trolley lady. "Harry," Meissa nods her head, and Cho giggles quietly, as Meissa gives a repulsed expression at the two of them, watching Cho leave as she takes a bite of her licorice wand and watches the trolley lady scurry off. "Bertie Bott?" She offers the packet, still holding the licorice wand.

"What can you tell me about–"

"Cho?" Meissa asks, and Harry nods his head. "Like I said, Bertie Bott–" She whispers, and Harry rolls his eyes, but accepts the invitation of a Bertie Bott – his face contorting into one of disgust at the flavor of earwax. "What flavor did you get?"

"Earwax," he shudders, and she laughs, grinning. "Cho Chang is Cedric Diggory's girlfriend. She's a close friend of August and Arden's, and so is Cedric. They sometimes hang around the Weasley boys, but August is forbidden to write to any of his friends over the summers. Banned by his parents." She shrugs, popping a Bertie Bott into her mouth and grinning at the flavor.

"What flavor did you get?" He asks.

"Lawn clippings," she responds, and he crinkles his nose in disgust as the two of them duck into the compartment. "Hello, Gus. How are we feeling after the summer greeting from your parents?" She spoke sardonically, falling into the seat between the curious Granger girl and August Prior – the girl hits Lestrange on the arm, and she looks over at the Muggle-born girl, uninterested.

"Where have you been, then? I wrote to you, and I got no response." Hermione spoke, acting as though she were offended, and Meissa rolled her eyes, offering her a bean. Hermione pushes the box away, and Meissa huffs, as if she weren't any fun.

"I was with Uncle Padfoot," she spoke bluntly. "He wrote to my cousin, begging for me to stay with him, rather than them. So I disappeared for a little while. I wasn't allowed to write, but I had the company of him and Aunt Lion. Tell anyone, and I won't hesitate to–"

"Meissa," August warns coolly. Meissa sighs, sinking down into her seat and chewing on a Bertie Bott, again, and staring at him, curiously. "What's got your feathers in a ruffle?" She asks, spitting the Bertie Bott back in the box and deciding that they, too, weren't fun for her anymore.

"We saw the Dark Mark, Meissa." August warns her, and Meissa looks as though she had seen a ghost. "Your mother wasn't there, no. But Arden was, and so were the Malfoys, and I think my parents were, too." He mutters quietly, just loud enough for her to hear. The door had shut with a wave of his hand, and the lock had clicked, causing the quartet of fourth years to jump in fright.

"Do you think–"

"They'll come back for me?" He finishes the Potter boy's question. "Most likely. Which is why I'm taking notes." He lifts Lupin's journal he'd nicked from Rue's bag, and she hadn't seemed to comment since they'd arrived in that compartment.

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