Chapter One

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Chapter One

Remus sat at the Leaky Cauldron's bar, nursing a mug of coffee, next to his partner that he'd considered his wife after all the years they'd spent together – it wasn't official. He hadn't asked her for his hand in marriage. They'd spent so much time together – and yet, regretfully so – still hadn't found the time for a wedding. But, the trio that made up their family understood that love came at a cost, and to hold onto it as tightly as you could – even if it appeared differently to the love of others'. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and flashed a tired smile – giving a nod of the head in the direction of Arthur Weasley.

"How's life treating you, Remus? And you, Helena?" Arthur asks with a happy smile, and Helena smiles the most genuine smile at him – a smile that made Remus' heart full – and gives a wave to Molly, who comes bustling over to embrace the woman – joyous that Helena wouldn't be left behind while Remus and Rue were at Hogwarts. She was happier than ever for the Lupin family.

"Pretty fine, indeed. How are you, Arthur?" He asks, offering his friend an even wider smile. He stands, and the two go off to chat – most likely about their summer, as well as Remus' new job offer. Molly and Helena prepare the table while talking about last year's events, and the upcoming year.

"Has Remus told you about what he might be teaching?" Molly asks, and the kids lend an ear curiously as Helena begins passing around plates of food – filling them up and serving them to the kids.

"No, he hasn't said much at all. But, he's told me that he's nervous. He hasn't delved properly into something like this since after the war – a new experience," she responded, making eye contact with the said-man from across the Inn; watching him converse with Arthur Weasley.

"Have you considered telling her?" Arthur asked Remus, sipping on his mug of coffee. The werewolf looks at him incredulously; though it's a subtle glance in the eyes of a Lupin. The lycanthrope shakes his head.

"I csn't. I'm too embarrassed. I've waited too long to ask." He spoke quietly, looking to Arthur; who sighs and looks amused, patting his friend on the shoulder and shaking him lightly.

"And with good reason. There was a war, Remus." He tells the man, releasing his shoulder after a moment."You'll figure it out. She's in love with you, it's like you're back at school again." He chuckles quietly, and Remus nods his head, watching the woman he loved from across the Inn.

He jumped at the tug of someone on his tweed suit jacket sleeve, and looked down to see Rue smiling up at him. He kisses her head, listening to Arthur prattling on about his worries over Molly being lonely; should he get her a cat? Or is it too much? Remus nods along as Rue giggles into his side, before stalking off to go greet the trio at the stairs.

"Rue," Harry spoke, alarmed. "Don't tell me you have a cat, too." He utters quietly, looking over at August – who held his white as snow cat, Queen, who was kneading biscuits into the boy's shoulder – while Crookshanks – with his cruel looking, smushed face – was glaring at Ron's rat, Scabbers. Arden was next to August, stroking Queen affectionately as the boy cradled the cat – she was the one who'd named the cat, and was very, very affectionate towards the two of them during their cuddle sessions. August says she coddled the cat, but Arden knows what a sucker August is for cats.

"No, but mum's given me a case full of creatures, if you're interested." She spoke, patting the case at her side with a grin. They looked at her incredulously, and she exhaled through her nose – a frustrated expression on her features. "You haven't noticed? No one noticed except for Neville, Dean, and Seamus? Seriously?" She asked in disbelief.

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