Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"And I have to sit down for a while, the feeling that I'm losing her." 

"Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione asks Ron, who is stuffing his face over a book. Ginny is watching, looking between the two of them, as heads turn. "What? I'm hungry." Ron mutters, and Hermione looks at him, appalled.

"Harry, Rue– August?" Hermione looks shocked, as whispers fill the Great Hall at the boy who had been given permission to enter the castle. He grins, waving, as he takes a seat on the table, and people look as though they'd seen a ghost. Arden takes a seat between his legs, and he wraps his arms around her shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asks, confused. "You're going to get in trouble with–"

"That bitch can't hurt me. And if she hurts any of you, she's got some very angry Aurors on her ass. I've read the letters you've all sent." He mutters, twirling a few strands of Arden's hair around in his fingers. Ron grins, and looks to Harry, who is smiling, as Rue takes the seat next to Ron.

"Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" August heard the sound of McGonagall and Umbridge arguing out in the corridor, and he stepped onto the bench, past his girlfriend before she could protest and pull him back. Arden tried to stop him from intervening, "Gus, you're going to make things worse–" She starts, as the whispers continue, and August's tense posture exits the Great Hall. The group of students gather at the entrance to the Great Hall that were closest to the door, and students argue, trying to watch as August steps near Umbridge and McGonagall.

"I merely request that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." McGonagall quips back, stepping above Umbridge, who takes a step upwards.

"So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom." Umbridge spoke, not realizing August had been leaning at the bottom of the staircase, staring up at the two older women.

"She's not the only one, Delores." August's voice, lower, and sending shivers down Harry's spine – it reminded him of a younger, crueler Mad-Eye Moody, or even what he imagined a younger Augustus Prior to sound like. "Might I remind you of the rules and regulations of disciplinary practices by the accord of the Ministry of Magic? Or is that something that the Ministry just... Doesn't think about anymore? You see, we have Death Eaters floating about, and we have people like my father – and then we have the Ministry... Hard to tell who's different from who, when you're using Black Quills on a bunch of first and second years..." He steps closer, but Umbridge flinches, and takes a few steps back, nearly falling over as he grins, maliciously.

"Good day, Mr. Prior." She sputters, before rushing up to her office.

"Good day to you, Dolores Umbridge. I'll be seeing you," he calls out, and Minerva looks to August, raising an eyebrow at him.

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