chapter 19: roger part 2 TW.

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A/N: Mentions of abuse SA and SH.

mias pov:

Shit Roger's at the door. I know that if I need him, reece is with me, but I don't want anything to happen to him, and I can't risk Roger seeing Char, so I have to do this alone..

I answer the door, and he rags me out of the caravan by my hair. Charlotte and everyone else are too busy getting themselves, and the girls changed, ready-made for the long journey back home.

"Where is she?"

What the fuck is he on about where's who??

"Roger who are you after?" I asked nervous but I was careful not to let him see how nervous I was.


I tell him that I have no idea where Siobhan is we hardly even like eachother so why would I know where she is??

"Fine. If I can't have Siobhan back, you work just as well."

Before I can even say a word he rags me towards his car and throws me in to the back seet. How was anyone to know where I was? I'm going to be stuck with him for the rest of my life.

I couldn't help but worry about Charlotte and the girls. They needed me. Mike was still a hugs problem and he could be back at any time. I really can't stop worrying about char.

I could have called her but Roger the stupid cunt took my phone of me and put tape over my mouth. He said if I tell anyone that I have been kidnapped he will make my life and a certain someone else's life a misery aswell.

There's no way he knows about me and Charlotte? Who could have told him? I know for a fact I haven't said anything and I know charlotte also wouldn't say anything. Reece tries to avoid his dad as much as he can same for autumn and marjorie just wouldn't do that to char so who could it be?

Roger keeps driving for what feels like hours untill we finally pull up at what looks like an abandoned house.
He drags me out of the car by my hair and kicks me as hard as he can making me fall over.

I don't know how I'm going to cope without Charlotte here. We've only been separated for about 2 hours and it already feels like hell.

Charlotte's pov:

We were all finally ready to leave and head back home. I tell the girls to get I to the car and I head into the bedroom to get mia. I was in for hell of a shock when I found out that she wasn't in there.

I start panicking and search around every room in the caravan where mia could be. Reece walks into mine and can see that I'm in clear distress, almost on the verge of tears. I tell him that I can't find mia.

His eyes go wide and he leaves the caravan to get marjorie.

Marjorie tells me to sit in the passenger seet of my car and she will sit In the driver's seat. I give the girls their ipads so that they don't get bored.

Reece comes back and all he says is:

"He's gone and I'm guessing he's took her with him."


now I was crying marjorie tried to comfort me but there wasn't alot that she could say or do to cheer me up I just wanted my mia back.

Mias pov:

Roger takes me into a bedroom and ties my ankles and wrists to a bed frame leaving me lying down on my back. I know exactly what's going to happen now. He used to do it to me all of the time while I was In his care trying to get my dad back.

I wanted nothing more then to see my dad but at this moment In time i just wanted my girls. Roger was hurting me with every thrust. When he finally Finnishes, he unties me leaving me bleeding.

I run into the bathroom and search in my bag for my razor. This was the only thing he let me keep. Charlotte would be so worried for me if she found out that I did this but it's a bad habit I had gotten myself used to while in Roger's care.

My arms and legs were dripping with blood a part of me hated the fact that I have started to do this again but then another part of me loved the pain. Roger barges into the bathroom and starts beating me. 10 minutes pass and he goes to sleep in the bedroom where he just raped me so I decided to sleep on the sofa.

Charlotte's pov:

It wad getting pretty late and I still haven't heard anything from or about mia. Reece has taken the girls to my mum's and marjorie is staying here with me tonight. I am so glad that my bestfriend is staying with me because I can't stand being alone with my thoughts.

I am so worried about mia I don't even know if she's okay. I trust Reece will help find her though.

Reeces pov:

I told Charlotte and marjorie that I would drop the girls of at Lucy's house. And that's exactly what I did but apart of me had a really good idea on where my physcho father could have took mia.

I go to the abandoned house that he purchased when aut was just a little girl. This was the place where he would take me and beet me where nobody could find me. There was no doubt that he took mia there too.

I was so scared going back into this house but I have no choice. I have to do this for the sake of Charlotte and Mia. It's my job to protect these girls with every bone In my body.

I walk In quietly and I see a red head asleep on the sofa. She had on joggers and a jumper so I'm guessing my dad's gave her a few bruises.

I gently wake her up luckily she doesn't scream. I grab her hand and head out of the front door very quietly to avoid waking the sleeping monster otherwise known as my dad.

"Reece how did you know where to find me." Mia asked with slight concern.

I tell her that's it's not important. I simply can't go into details about the events that have happened in that house because they traumatized me as a kid and to this day I have never forgotten.

Charlottes pov:

It had been ages since Reece left my house apart of me was hoping that he would return with my girl but anther part of me was saying I would never see her again.

Marjorie could see that I was panicking so she pulled me down onto her lap and played with my hair while I took a quick power nap.

Another half an hour passes and reece walks through the door. He tells me that there's a special someone that's missed me.

Mias pov:

We pull up to Charlotte's and oh my God am I glad to be back In the presence of my sweetheart, I have missed her so much.

We walk Into her house. Reece goes first and tells char there's a special someone that has missed her. Reece grabs my arm and pulls me towards Charlotte. This hurt alot because of the cuts and the bruises but I could sort that out my self.

As soon  as Charlotte sees me she gets up off marjories lap and bounces straight on to me. I pick her up regardless of how much it really hurt me and I give her a deep kiss.

Marjorie and reece gave eachother a knowing look and headed out of the door. We both thank them for everything and make our way onto the sofa to watch brigerton before going to bed even though it was already really late.

A/N: yeah the next one is going to contain fluff and char helping mia sort out her cuts and bruises.. hopefully that's it from Roger.

For now.

my sweetheart: a mialotte story 🖤🫶🏻Where stories live. Discover now