Chapter One

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Living Royal


Chapter One


Summary: Bella Swan is a typical collage girl who's trying to make the best of her collage experience. Only one problem gets in her way, Prince Edward happens to attend he same collage and is fully determined to turn her carefully calculated life upside down. AH B/E INSPIRED by the Royal Wedding!


"Damn it! Why is it so crowded today? I can't move two feet without bumping into someone." Bella announced grumpily.

"Ooh, haven't you heard? Prince Edward starts his classes today, everyone's trying to get there first to get a glimpse of him." Alice squealed.

Bella rolled her eyes, "Why? We already know what he looks like." She replied.

"Yes, but we've never seen him in person! This is going to be so exciting. Can you believe it? We're going to be attending the same university! We may even get to talk to him." Alice announced excitedly.

Bella had to laugh at that, "I highly doubt it Alice, why would he lower himself and speak to us lowly commoners?"

"But, he's so modest!"

"How would you know that, Alice? You've never talked to him."

"Well, now is our chance then isn't it?" Alice said, smugly.

Bella simply rolled her eyes once more. They passed by where Prince Edward, along with his father King Carlisle, were meeting the Dean of the University. That's when Bella decided she had had enough of all this. She said goodbye to Alice and decided to head to her first class on her own.

Bella had chosen to major in Art History at the St. Andrews University in Scotland. She was pretty lucky that her parents had let her go to school so far away from home, but her boyfriend Jacob had decided to go there and she wanted to be with him. But Jacob wasn't the only reason why she wanted to go to St. Andrews, she'd wanted to see another part of the world she hadn't seen while still remaining in the boundaries of Great Britain, at least. Besides, St. Andrews had a great art program. If she'd know that Prince Edward intended to come here, though, she would've gone anywhere else. She hated all the pomp and ceremony that surrounded the royal family wherever they went. It was so outdated. They were supposed to be in the 21st century for crying out loud.

She hoped that Prince Edward's presence at the university wouldn't get in her way. Actually, she hoped she never laid eyes on him.

While Bella was seething on the inside, she wasn't looking where she was walking until she bumped into a hard body.

"Oh, pardon me, I didn't see you. Are you okay?" An soothing velvety voice said.

"No, it's fi..." Bella began to say, but she looked up into vivid green eyes that seemed to captivate her and steal her ability to speak.

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