Chapter Twenty

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Living Royal

Chapter Twenty

"When do you think we should tell them?" Edward asked a few hours later while they were snuggled together in bed.

"Not now, definitely not now. We don't want your father to think that you did this to spite him. You didn't, did you?" Bella asked hesitantly.

Edward pulled her closer and rested his forehead on hers, "Bella, I love you with all my heart. I asked you to marry me because of that and only that. My father had nothing to do with it."

"Okay, just checking." She smiled.

"I'm sorry; I don’t have a ring yet. Actually, I'm sorry the proposal wasn't more romantic."

"Don’t apologize, that was the most perfect proposal any girl could ever get. I don't need anything more than that."

"You need a ring."

"No, you really don’t need to get me one."

"You're getting an engagement ring, Bella. The biggest one I can find." He said and silenced any further protest by kissing her senseless.

The next day Edward went in search of his mother. He found her in the South Wing overseeing some changes that were being made to the rooms there. Edward knew that if his mother wasn't Queen she'd definitely be a professional Interior Decorator.

"Mum, can I speak with you for a moment, please?" He asked, drawing her attention away from the workers, towards the doorway where he was standing.

"Of course, dear." She walked towards him, "Is something wrong? You look very anxious. Did something happen with Bella last night?" She pulled him to an empty room where they could speak privately.

"No, no. Bella and I are fine. More than fine, actually, we're great." He grinned happily.

"That's fantastic! I was so worried that something would happen between you two after the fight you had with your father."

"It could've gone in that direction if Bella hadn't snapped some sense into me."

"Good, I knew that Bella was the one for you the moment I met her." Esme smiled lovingly at her son. She was so glad that he was happy. She had waited a long time for this and actually worried that they'd have to arrange his marriage like so many other royals had done for their children.

"I'm so happy that you think that. That actually brings me to the reason I wanted to speak with you. Um, remember when I was fifteen, you showed me Grandmother's ring and told me that the girl I chose to marry would have it?"

"Yes, of course, how could I forget something like that? The ring is kept in the private vault right here in the palace."

Edward shuffled his feet, suddenly nervous. He didn’t know how to ask what he wanted to ask, and more importantly he was worried about his mother's reaction.

"Uh, I was wondering if I could have it…now?"

Esme's face turned from confusion to understanding to elation in a few seconds.

"Oh, sweetheart! You're going to ask Bella to marry you? That is fantastic! I couldn't have picked a better wife for you if we had chosen her out of a catalogue."

"Actually, I've already asked her to marry me and she said 'yes'." Edward replied, grinning like an idiot.

Esme smiled so wide that her cheeks felt like they were about to crack, and she hugged Edward tightly to her.

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