Chapter Fifeteen

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Living Royal

Chapter Fifteen

“So, Edward, what are your intentions towards my daughter?”

As soon as Bella heard those words coming out of her father’s mouth, she broke out in a cold sweat. Did her father really just speak that way to Edward? The king’s son? The heir to the freaking throne?

Bella had new respect for her father. She realized that he would protect her no matter what. Of course, she always knew that, she just never realized that he could go that far to ensure that she was never hurt.

Still, she didn’t want him clashing with Edward.

“Dad!” She cried out.

“Um, Charlie? At least let them come into the house first before you begin your interrogation.”

God bless Renee.

Charlie reluctantly conceded and walked into the house ahead of them.

“I’m so sorry, Edward. I had no idea he’d fire off like that as soon as he saw you.” Bella apologized, the moment her father was out of earshot.

“Don’t apologize, sweetheart. I’d expect nothing less from your father. He obviously cares about you very much and is very protective of you. It’s the way every father should behave.”

“I know, but he’s taking it too far.”

Edward kissed her temple, “Don’t worry. Just let me handle it.”

Bella was starting to think that Edward was simply being over confident about the whole thing. She really wished he and her would get a long, more than anything. Her father meant the world to her and she didn’t know what she would do if he had any objections to her relationship with Edward.

She knew she’d never stop being with Edward because of that, though. If he was able to handle his father’s annoying attitude and still be with her then so could she.

They followed Charlie into the living room where they all sat down. Edward and Bella on the couch, Charlie on his favourite chair and Renee next to Bella.

“Bella, I think Edward and I need to have a talk, on our own.” Charlie said.

“I don’t think there’s anything that you need to discuss, Dad.”

“Bella, honey. I need some help in the kitchen. Will you come with me?” Renee asked, trying to salvage the situation between her stubborn husband and her even more stubborn daughter.

Bella’s shoulders slumped in resignation, “Fine.” She got up to follow her mother but not before she threw a worried look at her boyfriend. He answered her with a wink.

A very sexy wink.

Focus, Bella!

She quietly followed her mother back to the kitchen where she started pacing back and forth in agitation.

“Bella, for heaven’s sake, calm down. It’s not like your father is going to kill him.”

Bella snorted, “And you know that how?”

“Well, there is the fact that Edward is the heir to the throne and killing him would only get your father beheaded.”

That got a laugh out of Bella.

Renee hugged her daughter close. “There. That’s my Bella. I really missed you, sweetheart.”

“I missed you too, mum.”

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