Chapter Twenty Seven

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Living Royal

Chapter Twenty Seven

“So what are we going to do now? Should we just go back?” Bella asked.

“No, didn’t you hear what I told my father?  We’re going to enjoy this vacation no matter what. I’m sorry that some things got in the way, but I’m still taking you to Paris. I promised.” Edward responded.

His father had been gone for a few hours and they were still sitting on the couch in their hotel suite debating whether or not to go back to England right away. Bella had felt that it would be better to go back and deal with the consequences right away, while Edward wanted to wait. He said that they’d have to deal with the same mayhem no matter when they go back so they might as well enjoy their trip before getting back.

“Know what? I have an idea.” Bella declared suddenly.

“Now I’m scared.” Edward joked.

Bella punched him playfully. Edward caught her fist and kissed it.

“Alright, I give. What’s the idea?” He asked.

“How about we save Paris for later? For our Honeymoon?”

“That’s not a half bad idea.” He smiled at the thought of their upcoming nuptials. “But are you sure you don’t want to go now? We can still go again on our honeymoon if you want.”

“No, I think it would be more special if we went together for the first time then. What do you think?”

“It’s more than fine by me.” He shrugged. “But we’ll still stay here a few more days before we go back.” He said, leaving no room for argument.

“Edward,” Bella sighed. “Why are you so hell bent on not going back right away? What are you afraid of exactly?”

“I’m not afraid of anything.” He stressed crossing his arms and pouting adorably.

“Know what I think?”

“What?” He continued to pout.

“I think you’ve gotten so used to disagreeing with your father and rebelling against him that sometimes you tend to disregard the fact that he’s right.”

“He’s not right!”

“How do you know that? Let’s face it Edward, your father knows more about facing the media than both of us put together. He’s had to deal with it much longer than you or I ever have. What could be so bad about listening to him?” Bella implored him.

Edward ran his fingers through his hair contemplating her words. He knew she was right and he hated to admit it.

“Since when are you on Team Carlisle?”

“I’m not. I’m on your Team, always.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. Edward relaxed immediately. It always surprised him how a simple touch from her could relax him so much.

“I just think that maybe just this once, you should listen to him.” Bella went on.

Edward lifted his arm and drew Bella close. “Okay, we’ll go back to London tomorrow.

“Really? I didn’t think you’d give up that easily. I thought I’d have to take more…drastic measure.” Bella stressed the last part as her hands started wandering.

Edward wondered how Bella hadn’t realized that he would never be able to deny her anything. He just wouldn’t be able to. He’d give her the moon if she ever asked for it.

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