Chapter Three

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Living Royal


Chapter Three



"Prince Edward has started attending St. Andres University in Scotland almost a week ago. He has not been seen much since then, apparently already immersed in college life. What has come as a surprise to most is that our young Prince has chosen to stay on campus for the duration of his enrollment. The question now is, will Prince Edward take a step back from the life of clubbing that he's accustomed to, to focus on his studies? We certainly hope so…"


Bella turned off the TV. Did they really have nothing better to discuss on television anymore? What about world hunger? Tornadoes and deadly earthquakes? Wars?

No, they'd rather talk about Little Prince Edward becoming all grown up.

Bella tried not to be so damn judgmental, but it was so hard when every time she looked around people were talking about him. What was there to talk about aside from the fact that he happened to be the King's son? Nothing. He was just...normal. Aside from his incredible physique and those damn beautiful green eyes, he wasn't all that special.

It wasn't working, Bella realized.

Lying to herself wasn't working anymore. She sighed in frustration. After the talk they had when he stopped by her dorm room the day before, she'd been softening towards him and she didn't like it. She thought she was stronger than that.

Edward, as he'd asked her to call him, was actually making her feel more and more comfortable every time she spoke to him. He was so…nice. But since when was that a crime?

He was just the complete opposite of what she had expected. She expected someone arrogant, conceited, someone who thought the sun rose and set for him, but he was not at all like that.

There was so much she had found about him that she hadn't known before. She never knew that he spent a year building houses for the homeless in South Africa. Maybe she would've known about that if the media hadn't been so obsessed with only reporting the dirty gossip instead of things that actually mattered.

She also found out that he was terrified of the fact that someday he will be king, and the responsibility that that title would entail. He wanted to do the best he could, but he was not sure that he would be up for it. He even mentioned that he was thinking that if ever the time came, he would abdicate the throne.

"Are you crazy? You can't do that." Bella had screamed at him.


"Why not?" He shrugged.


"Because, you would be the king of one of the most powerful countries in the world." She stated.


When she noticed Edward's frown, she realized that he probably misunderstood her.


"What I meant is that you could have the power to change a lot of things, fix the economy, build more hospitals and schools and even lower the tax rate. You can do all that with just one signature and you want to just give it up?"

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