Chapter Twenty Six

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Living Royal

Chapter Twenty Six

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” Bella asked Edward. He’d been standing there simply staring at his phone as it rang shrilly.

He looked up at her before answering, “Yeah, I will. Hello?” He answered.

Bella’s heart was bearing fast as she watched him pace back and forth whilst speaking to his father. Her mind ran wild with all the possibilities of why he could be calling them now. Did he see the newspapers?

Of course he did. Even if he hadn’t he probably heard it through various other sources. News like that tended to travel very fast. It was inevitable.

Oh why did she have to forget about hiding the ring?

So much for a relaxing vacation.

“Yes, Dad. I know.” Bella heard Edward speak into the phone. She couldn’t tell by his expression if what his father was saying was good or bad. His face was blank so far, which was making her more nervous. “Alright yes, I’ll speak to you later.”

Edward hung up the phone and looked anxiously at Bella.

“Well, it seems that the news has reached England.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“What did your father say? How bad is it?” Bella asked hesitantly.

“Not as bad as I expected, actually. He seemed surprisingly calm about the whole thing.”

“Well, that’s good, right?” She asked, not sure why Edward seemed unhappy about that.

“Yes, of course it is. It’s just I’m not used to my father being so…understanding.” He explained. “Frankly, I expected him to bloody pissed and to start giving me a lecture about appearances and acting appropriately, but he said none of that. He simply wanted to make sure the rumors were true and to ask if we needed more SS agents for extra protection.”

“Wow, you’re right. That’s definitely different. But I think we should enjoy it while it lasts.” Bella smiled, hoping to alleviate the situation.

It worked, Edward smiled back, “You’re right. How about we go out today? We’ve been cooped up in here long enough. Not that I didn’t enjoy every minute of it, of course.” He grinned.

Bella rolled her eyes. “Where are we going?”

He shrugged, “Out.”

“Out where?”

“Come on, baby. We’re young, we’re in love, let’s just be spontaneous for once.”

“I’ve never seen you so carefree before.” Bella admitted.

“I’m just glad that our secret is out in the open, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest.” He walked closer to Bella and pulled her into his arms. “Now, I can finally show you off to the world as what you really are.”

“What am I?”She asked dazedly, barely focusing like what usually happens whenever Edward touched her.

Mine.” He replied before kissing her hard.

After a very heated make-out session, they both got ready to face the outside world. Right before they walked outside two hours later, Edward stopped Bella in her tracks.

“What is it? Did you change your mind? We can always go back up to our rooms.” Bella rambled.

Edward touched her cheek softly, “I haven’t changed my mind. I just think we should adjust one thing before going out there.

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