Chapter Six

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Living Royal


Chapter Six


"Edward! Care to explain what the hell this is?!" King Carlisle walked into his son's room. More like stormed in, actually.

"What is it now, dad?" Edward got up warily from his desk where he was attempting to study. He was thoroughly failing since every few moments his thoughts would travel to the delectable Bella Swan. It was insane how fast she had managed to capture his attention. It had never happened before.

He had dated before, a lot, but it was never like this.

One look into those deep brown eyes and he was done for. He just hoped she felt the same. He couldn't quite guess how she felt, sometimes she treated him like a friend she's known for quite sometime and other times she acted cold and aloof.

Not that he cared; he planed to pursue her anyway. He had to try, at the very least.

"You really don't know what you've done, do you?" Edward’s father asked in a very authoritative voice, which made Edward think he must've really messed something up. He tried to figure out what it was that he did that could be so horrible, but nothing came to mind.

King Carlisle noticed his sons’ confused look, "You really don't know? Well, then have a look at this."

Edward looked at the magazine his father was holding out to him.

Now he understood why his father was so mad.

But, it wasn't so bad, was it? It could be fixed.

Rosalie Hale: Future Queen, or Just a Fling?


Under the title was a photo of him and Rosalie the day he took her out to lunch in an effort to cheer her up after Emmett had gone back to his unit in Afghanistan. Rosalie was always worried sick whenever he left and since Emmett had made Edward promise to take care of her, he tried to do the best he could.


If Edward knew Rosalie well, and he did, she must be pretty pissed by now. And Emmett even more so.

Rosalie and Emmett have been dating in secret for quite some time now. Emmett, being Edward's younger brother and not the immediate heir to the throne wasn't exactly the focus of the tabloids and the press, but he was still expected to keep up the pretense. He couldn’t date just anyone. There was a certain criteria he had to keep up with.

That thought depressed Edward.

If Emmett couldn't date rich, beautiful and charismatic Rosalie, just because her parents weren't seen as fit for royalty, then what were the chances for Edward and Bella?

"What of it, father? You know how the press exaggerates everything. Rosalie's just a friend."

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