Chapter Thirty Seven

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Living Royal

Chapter Thirty Seven

Previously on 'Living Royal'

"Yeah. It must be the nerves. The last twenty four hours haven't exactly been easy, you know."

"Um, Bella? When exactly did you get your last period?" Alice asked slowly, as though afraid to spook Bella.

Bella froze and all the color she'd gained that morning faded back again.

She palmed her stomach softly.

Oh, God.


Bella could not believe what was happening.

This couldn't be true, could it?

"No, this can't be true." Bella voiced her thoughts.

"Why not? You have been having sex, haven't you?" Alice glanced dubiously at her.

Bella scoffed, "Of course we have, we can barely keep our hands off each other, but I've been taking my birth control and…"

"Bella, birth control isn't hundred percent effective." Alice shrugged nonchalantly.

"Wait, where is Edward?" Bella asked suddenly.

"He's right outside the door." Alice giggled. "Jasper tried to lure him away for a bit until I talked to you, but he wouldn't leave."

Bella smiled at how protective her man was.

Her man.

Her husband, and soon-to-be the father of her child.

Her smile turned into a worried frown. Were they ready for this? Sure, they tried to act mature about everything and they'd been handling what was happening so far fairly well, but they were still eighteen year olds! Were they ready to be parents?

Bella imagined what her life would be a year from now and all she could see was her and Edward lounging in their cottage, playing with a bronze haired green eyed little baby. Her heart warmed. This was Edward's baby inside of her, a part of him.

She knew that as long as they stayed together, they could face anything.

But, first things first.

"Alice," Bella said as she got up from the bed and put on a robe that was laid over the edge of the bed. "Can you call the reception for me? Ask them to send up the resident physician."

"Okay." Alice chirped and bounced over to the phone on the bedside table.

While Alice was on the phone, Bella headed for the bathroom and splashed some water on her face to wipe away the last remnants of sleep.

The physician came about fifteen minutes later. He was a middle-aged, portly, friendly looking man. He spoke English pretty well. Bella told him exactly what she suspected and he immediately got to work on examining her.

All the while, Alice's phone wouldn't stop beeping.

"Jasper's having a hard time restraining Edward from barging in here. He's been going crazy since he saw the doctor coming in." Alice explained.

"You should probably let him in, your highness. You'll want to share the good news." The doctor said as he gathered his equipment.

Bella stilled, "Good news?"

"Yes, you are indeed with child as you had suspected. Congratulations!" The physician grinned.

Bella stared off into space in a daze as Alice thanked him and led him out.

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