Chapter Thirty Eight

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Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, but I do own British Princeward! :D

Living Royal

Chapter Thirty Eight

"Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" Bella whispered softly.

Bella and Edward were cuddled together in their bed back at Buckingham Palace with Edward's hand lying protectively on Bella's stomach. They had returned the day before from their honeymoon and after being greeted with warm hugs and congratulations from Carlisle and Esme, they retreated back to their room and decided to have their very own celebration.

"I want a healthy baby." Edward confessed.

"That's what everyone says." Bella replied. "I want a straight answer. not a diplomatic one."

"Well, I wouldn't mind a little girl with your eyes and hair."

"Really? You don't want a boy first? I'm sure your parents would love for us to provide them with the next heir to the throne."

"To hell with that, any child with you as its mother would be more than fine with me." He kissed her shoulder tenderly.

"Of course it would be me, who else would want to have your babies?" Bella teased him.

"You really want me to answer that?" He smirked.

Bella rolled her eyes, "Guess not." She muttered.

Edward chuckled as he lifted Bella's face to his and kissed her whilst resting on his elbow.

"Umm, we have to get up or we'll be late for your mother's party." Bella said a few minutes later.

Esme had prepared a small celebration for them, since they wouldn't be announcing it to the public just yet; she still believed they should get a chance to celebrate the news with their families. Bella's parents had already been told and were being flown over in a couple of hours.

"We can afford to be a little late." Edward groaned as he nuzzled his face against Bella's neck while peppering it with kisses.

"No, we can't." Bella moaned. "We're the guests of honor."

"Exactly my point. We're required by etiquette to be fashionably late."

Bella giggled, "Good point."

And they resumed kissing.


Bella applied the last touches of her makeup while Edward finished getting dressed and put on his suit jacket. Bella was constantly distracted by how incredibly hot he looked in the black Armani suit he had on. He looked gorgeous; movie star gorgeous, which was nothing new for Edward, she had to admit. He always looked dazzling, no matter what he wore; she just had a soft spot for him in a suit.

Bella was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Edward walking up to her until he had his arms wrapped around her middle pulling her back against his firm chest.

"You look breathtaking, my Princess." Edward whispered next to her ear as he looked into her eyes through the mirror.

He'd taken to calling her his princess lately, and Bella did not mind one bit. They may belong to the entire country when they're in public, but when it was just the two of them, he was just hers and she was his. It was as simple as that.

"You're not half bad yourself." She turned in his arms and adjusted his neck-tie. "I'd never allow you out of this room if I knew there would be any other women at this party other than your mother and mine."

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