Chapter Thirty Three

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(A/N): It's finally here! The rest of the wedding, enjoy! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Living Royal

Chapter Thirty Three


Bella had never seen a huge crowd like this in her whole life.

And they were here for them? It still seemed so surreal.

Edward and Bella were standing in the huge front balcony of the Palace along with both sets of parents and Emmett and Alice.

Bella's hand was linked with Edward's while she waved with the other one to the growing crowds.

Suddenly the cheers grew even louder.

"They want the kiss." Edward leaned over and whispered to Bella.

"Oh." She said as her face turned beet red. She'd forgotten about that part.

Bella's nerves took a hold of her all of a sudden. She hadn't talked about this with Edward. She knew they had to do it because it was tradition, but how long should the kiss be? How…intimate?

She guessed it would probably have to be very chaste and quick, but how could she be sure?

She even tried to recall this part of the ceremony from other royal weddings that had taken place during her lifetime, but she couldn't, for the life of her, remember what they did, or how!

If only she had known that she'd be put in their place some day, she would've made a bloody study about it.

She'd call it: The Techniques of Kissing while the Entire World is watching!

"Bella? You ready?" Edward tried to say from the corner of his mouth so that no one else would notice.

It's showtime.

Bella took a deep breath to try and calm herself. She'd just follow Edward's lead. Let him decide when to stop.

"I'm ready." She whispered, smiling at him. Edward smiled back and then bent his head until their lips touched.

The world disappeared as it always did whenever Edward kissed her. She pressed her lips harder against his, forgetting about everything else but the man in front of her.

Her Husband.

They both moaned as their tongues touched. They were completely engrossed in each other that they didn't notice the uncomfortable looks they were getting from their family members.

"Ehm." Charlie pretended to cough.

Bella and Edward reluctantly pulled apart, grinning like idiots.

The cheers continued as Bella and Edward gave their last few waves for the day and headed back inside the Palace along with the rest of the entourage.

"Wow," Bella breathed as soon as they were inside. "That was…"

"Exhilarating, isn't it?" Edward completed for her when she couldn't find the right words to describe the whole experience she'd just gone through.

"Definitely." She agreed, smiling widely. She felt like she was high or something. She'd never been high before but still…it was absolutely euphoric.

"Come on, children. You're going to be late for your own wedding ball." Esme called out for them.

"Oh, come with me, Bella." Alice came up to her. "I picked out the perfect outfit for you!"

'Of course she had,' Bella thought.

Before Alice managed to lead her out of the room, Edward pulled her close for a quick kiss.

"See you in a few minutes." He whispered.

Bella was too flustered to speak so she simply nodded. Then she allowed Alice to pull her out of the room and to the guest room where she would change. Alice had laid out the dress she wanted Bella to wear on the bed, along with the jewelry and shoes.

"So, what do you think?" Alice waited impatiently for Bella's opinion.

"It's really pretty, Alice, thank you."

Alice snorted, "Pretty? I bring you the latest beautiful creation of the best fashion designers and all you can say is 'it's pretty'?"

"Um, okay. It's beautiful?" Bella said unsure what Alice's next reaction would be.

Alice nodded seriously, "Alright, that's better. Now, get dressed. You don't want to be late for your own Wedding Party, do you?"

"Nope, can't have that." Bella giggled.

Alice helped her change into the new dress. She had to admit it was gorgeous. When it came time for the jewelry, Bella asked, "Hey, where did you get these? They look real."

"That's because they are." Alice replied excitedly. "They're from the Queen's own personal collection. She wanted to loan them to you for the evening. You're so lucky!"

Wow. Those jewels looked so expensive. Bella couldn't believe she was allowed to even come near them.

"No more spacing out, Bella. Come on, you're going to be late!" Alice's thoughts snapped Bella out of her thoughts.

They quickly finished fixing her make-up and hair and then Alice changed into another dress as well. Once they were both done, they quickly headed to where Edward was waiting. The rest of the family had already gone to the ballroom. Alice left as well, as soon as she delivered Bella to her husband.

Edward had been looking incredulously at Bella as soon as she came within sight.

"What? What is it?" Bella asked nervously.

"Just when I thought you couldn't have looked more gorgeous than when you were in your wedding gown, you go and prove me wrong."

Bella smiled and blushed for the thousandth time that day.

"I love it when you blush." He whispered as he nuzzled his nose along her cheek.

Bella giggled, "If you keep on doing that then we're really going to be late."

Edward sighed in frustration. "Fine, but tonight you're all mine." He pulled her close so that her body as flush against his.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Bella whispered before kissing him.

She pulled back before things got too heated, "Let's go, before Alice comes looking for us."

Edward gave Bella a horrified look and then quickly pulled her towards the double doors that led to the ballroom. Bella laughed. Even Edward was scared of Alice.

They entered the ballroom arm-in-arm amidst thunderous clapping. They were led first to their table where the rest of the family were seated.

The next few hours were an absolute whirlwind for Bella. She met more people in those hours than she'd met her entire life. She was introduced to Kings, Queens, ambassadors and Prime Ministers.

Thankfully, whenever Edward felt that she was getting overwhelmed, he'd excuse them from whoever they were speaking to and lead her back to their table. Unfortunately, there was only so much he could do, since every few minutes they needed to greet someone else.

Soon enough the first ball was over and then they could relax with their close friends and family. They had so much fun and laughed so hard that Bella had tears in her eyes. Emmett gave his obligatory Best Man speech which was beyond embarrassing to Bella, especially when he talked about how she wouldn't be getting enough sleep that night, or any other night for the rest of the honeymoon. Edward glared daggers at his brother, but Emmett was in his element and would not be deterred.

Bella started regretting her decision to bring him from Afghanistan for the wedding. She knew, though, that it meant the world to Edward, and that was all that mattered. However, she had to admit that Emmett was like an older brother to her and she loved him.

Alice gave her speech too, which was thankfully not as crude as Emmett's.

A couple of hours later, it was time to go to their honeymoon. Bella had to change again into a different dress more suited for travelling and Edward changed out of his tuxedo. Afterwards, they said their tearful goodbyes to their family.

"Promise me you will call as soon as you land. You know how I feel about airplanes." Renee blubbered refusing to let go of her daughter.

"Alright, mum. I'll call you as soon as we get there, but you have to let go of me now." Bella chuckled.

"Let the girl get to her honeymoon, Renee." Charlie muttered quietly.

Renee reluctantly withdrew her arms from around Bella. Bella then turned to say goodbye to her father.

"You won't forget your old man, now that you've become a princess will you?" Charlie joked as he hugged his daughter close.

"Of course not, Dad. I will only do that when I become Queen." Bella teased him.

"Go on then, your husband's waiting." He said.

It would take sometime for Bella to get used to people calling Edward her husband. She looked back and found Edward standing close by with his hands in his pockets waiting for her. He'd already said his brief goodbyes to his parents and Emmett. Men don't like emotional goodbyes, after all.

When she was finished talking to her parents, Edward extended his hand towards her and she held it as they headed for the helicopter. It was parked in the gardens of the Palace itself; the helicopter that would take them to the private air strip where their private plane was waiting for them.

They got in and waved to their family as the helicopter took off. Neither of them noticed that their friends had tied a piece of cloth that said 'JUST MARRIED' to the tail of the helicopter.

It took a few minutes to get them to the air strip and then they boarded the plane that would take them directly to Paris.

Edward had picked Paris because they hadn't had a chance to go there together the last time they were in France. Bella couldn't agree more.

"Oh God, my feet are killing me." Bella threw her high heeled shoes off as soon as they sat down in the private jet.

"Alice forced you into them again?" Edward chuckled.

"Who else? Evil pixie! Like it wasn't enough I had to wear them during the wedding and the ball."

"Here, put your feet up." Edward pointed to his lap. He was sitting right across from her.

"No, it's okay. I feel better now that they're off anyway."

Edward didn't take no for an answer. He leaned down and grabbed both her legs, hoisting them on his lap. Then the most amazing thing happened, he started rubbing her feet with his fingers. He was giving her a massage!

Bella moaned from the pure bliss of getting a foot massage after being tortured by high heels all day. The fact that it was Edward giving her said massage was a huge bonus.

Edward's eyes darkened after hearing Bella's moans, he put her legs down, and then pulled her into his lap.

"Hey! I was enjoying that, you know." Bella giggled.

"I'll give you a foot massage every day for the rest of our lives if you let me kiss you right now." Edward whispered huskily.

"You really have to ask?" Bella raised an eyebrow.

Instead of responding Edward pulled her to him in a passionate kiss that would've knocked Bella's socks off, had she been wearing any.

Approximately thirty minutes later, they were both out of breath.

"Hey, I forgot to thank you for my surprise." Edward said, or more like panted.

"So you liked it?" Bella smiled.

"Having my brother attend my wedding when I didn't think he was going to make it? Of course I liked it. I love it! But how did you manage that?"

She shrugged, "I have my ways…oh, and your father helped."

"My father?" Edward asked, surprised.

"Yes, he wanted Emmett to be here too, so he pulled a few strings, even though he hated doing that."

"Yeah, I can imagine. My father hates nothing more than using his advantages to have things go the way he wants them to. I'm definitely happy he made an exception this time though."

They arrived in Paris a while later. Edward and Bella didn't really notice the time pass by as they were too wrapped up in each other.

A car was waiting for them as the left the plane, to take them to the villa Edward had rented for the next week, before they left for Italy.

The car stopped in front of a gorgeous villa that looked huge, at least, to Bella it did. Edward didn't look very impressed. Of course, that was an everyday occurrence for him.

The driver carried their luggage inside.

"You like it?" Edward asked when he noticed Bella's expression.

"It's beautiful."

"Wait until you see the inside." He grinned as he scooped his wife up into his arms, carrying her across the threshold.

"Edward! People are watching!" Bella shrieked.

"Let them. We're on our honeymoon."

"I thought you're supposed to carry me across the threshold of our own house." She teased him.

"I'm nothing if not meticulous." He winked as he carried her inside and closed the door behind them.

(A/N): Yup, that's a royal wedding for ya! :D What did you think? Did it feel authentic enough?

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You'll find Bella's Outfits and wedding gown photos there!

Next Chapter : Honeymoon in Paris and Rome ….God, I wish I was Bella :D

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