Living Royal - Future-Take

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(A/N): Hey everyone! It's me again :D HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe it's been a whole year since our Living Royal journey first began :)

For those of you who are not on my Facebook group, I had told them that I would write a very long future-take instead of an entire sequel and they agreed so, here it is! I really hope you like it because I really put my heart and soul into this. No pressure, though :D


Living Royal



Anyone who ever says that being in the public eye is a piece of cake is lying through their teeth! I'll admit that there are a lot of amazing perks to being a royal, but sometimes the hardships outweigh anything else.

But I guess I am luckier than most.

I have a loving husband who happens to be handsome as hell.

I have an adorable four year old son, and another little one on the way.

It all comes at a cost, though.

A year after Andrew was born; I found out that I was pregnant again. Edward and I were both over the moon that Andrew would have a little brother or sister.

Our happiness didn't last long, though. When I was just three months pregnant, I miscarried. Edward was devastated, but, of course, being the martyr that he is, he tried to hide it from me as much as he could, so he could help me through it.

In the end, we both helped each other. It was a slow process, but we managed as best we could under the circumstances. At first I found it hard to even get out of bed in the mornings, let alone attend social functions that required my presence.

Edward tried to draw me out of my cocoon as much as he could. He took me to the meadow, with, much more security this time, and to my favourite restaurants. He even disguised himself and bought me a wig and sunglasses so we could go to the movies.

That was the day I broke down.

I'd had too much fun with Edward that at the end of the day I felt guilty, like I was betraying my baby by trying to move on.

When we got back home, I broke down in tears. Edward held me in his arms through it all, even helped me get dressed for bed, while I was still crying, and held me close all night.

After that day, I made a resolute effort to get better, for Edward and Andrew's sakes. They needed me and I needed to get better for myself as well.

But the healing process really began the day I found out I was pregnant again.


Edward and I were fanatics when it came to documenting everything in Andrew's life.

His first words, first steps, first everything.

But isn't that what all proud parents do?

Esme told me that it wears off a little bit after the first baby, but I'm having a hard time believing her. I've seen all the scrapbooks she made of Emmett's baby photos.

"Mama! Look what I drawed!" Andrew ran into the sitting room where I was reading while lounging on the sofa one afternoon.

"Show me, sweetheart." I smiled at him as he handed me the drawing paper. He climbed on the couch next to me and laid his head on my stomach, which had become a little? bump. He said he could hear the baby when he did that. Both Edward and I thought it was freaking adorable.

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