Chapter Thirteen

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Living Royal

Chapter Thirteen

The first thing Edward noticed as he woke up was how warm it was. The secondthing he saw was the colour brown. Brown was everywhere.

In their sleep, Bella and Edward had clung to each other and now Bella’s hair was spread all over Edward’s chest and some of it was on his face. But he wasn’t bothered or annoyed. He never noticed how silky it was before.

Bella was lying with her head on Edward’s chest as he had both arms wrapped around her pulling her close to his side with their bare legs tangled together. Last night was the best night of his life. Sure, it wasn’t his first time, but making love with Bella took a whole new meaning.

If his brother Emmett could hear him now, Edward would never hear the end of it.

He sounded so cheesy. Like something out of a cliché romantic comedy. But he was happy so he didn’t really give a damn.

He started stroking Bella’s back slowly, not wanting to wake her, but already missing the physical contact they had last night. They needed to get up and start getting ready for classes but Edward decided they could afford to lie there a while longer.

The quiet was interrupted when Edward’s phone rang. Edward quickly scrambled out of bed to answer it before it woke Bella.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Edward?”

Edward rolled his eyes, “Good morning to you too, father.”

“Have you read today’s newspapers, yet?” King Carlisle said, cutting to the chase.

“No, I just woke up. Why?”

“Your girlfriend is on the front page of every one of them. The fact that you’ve brought her along for your Birthday ball seems to have created a media frenzy. Someone at the party must have tipped off the press and now they’re demanding an official statement about your relationship. And now with this…show, God knows what they think.”

“Can you stop caring about what the press thinks for a moment and think about what your son wants? Or is that too much to ask?” Edward lost his temper.

“This is not about you, Edward. This is about our people. They need to know that the next heir to the throne is someone who can be trusted, someone responsible.”

Before Edward could respond he saw Bella start to wake up, “Father, I can’t really talk right now. I’ll talk to you later.” And he hung up.

He crawled back into bed next to Bella just as she opened her eyes.

“Hey,” He kissed her forehead. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” She stretched her hands above her head causing the covers to slip down and expose her nakedness.

She immediately blushed and tried to cover herself back up.

“Don’t,” Edward protested, “You don’t have to hide from me anymore.”

“I know, I’m just not used to…um…”

“No used to what sweetheart?” Edward asked, confused, “Didn’t you and Jacob?”

“Yes, we did.” She cut him off, “It’s just that, Jacob always left after…so, I’m not really used to waking up next to someone.”

That asshole!

He didn’t even stick around afterwards to see if she was okay?

Edward felt a compelling urge to hunt down Jacob Black and beat him to a bloody pulp.

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