Chapter Ten

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Living Royal

Chapter Ten

The private jet landed in London a few hours later. While Bella was totally relaxed all through the flight, she tensed at the thought of meeting Edward’s parents. What would they think of her? Would they think she was just some gold-digger out to snare a prince?

She hoped not, but from what Edward had told her about Emmett and Rosalie’s story, she was inclined to believe that that would be the case. But she would be fine as long as Edward remained by her side.

Another worry of hers was that she’d do something completely stupid, like using the wrong fork at dinner or falling on her face in those bloody high heels and embarassing Edward…and herself.

They gathered their bags and descended the steps when the plane landed at the airport. All the while, Edward held Bella’s hand and navigated her through the crowds at the arrivals gate. Thankfully, they made it out of there without any fuss. London must be used to seeing their prince out and about, Bella thought. It must be nothing new to them.

She found out that she was terribly wrong, however, when as soon as they stepped out of the airport, they were attacked by a hord of paparazzi, clicking away on their cameras, trying to snap the best shot they can of their Prince and his “mystery lady”.

Edward held Bella close to protect her from the onslaught of questions and blinding flashes. Bella hid her face in his chest until they finally reached his car.

A formally dressed driver held the door open for them as they both climbled in. The paparazzi continued taking photos and throwing questions at them. Bella couldn’t hear a single one because they were all shouting at the same time.

“Welcome back, your royal highness.” The driver greeted Edward as he got in.

“Thank you, Taylor. It’s good to be back. This is my girlfriend, Bella.”

Bella resisted the urge to gape at Edward as he introduced her as his girlfriend. Well, taking her to meet his parents must constitute as officially anouncing their relationship to him.

“Great to meet you, ma’am.” Tyler spoke.

“Same here, thank you. And just call me Bella.”

Taylor simply smiled. Bella guessed that any employees of the royal family were not allowed to address guests by their frst names. She’d only been there five minutes and already she made a faux-pas.

“You never told where you were from.” Edward asked, diverting her attention from her previous train of thought.

“Oh, I’m from a little town called Forks a few hundred kilometres south of London.”

“I know it. It’s a beautiful little town.” He smiled. Bella was actually surprised. She’d never heard anyone describing Forks as beautiful before. Small, dull and lifeless, maybe, but beautiful?

“So what made you decide to go all the way to Scotland for school?” He went on to ask.

“At the expense of sounding absolutely corny, I guess I was looking for an adventure. I had never been outside of Forks my whole life, so when I finally got the chance to leave, I grabbed it with both hands.”

“Do you miss your parents?” Edward asked softly.

“Yes, all the time. But I know that they support my decision and I go see them every chance I get.”

They chatted for a while longer until Bella was rendered speechless by the sight in front of her. They were at the gates leading to Buckingham Palace. To say that Bella was stunned, would be the understatement of the century. She’d only ever seen the Royal Palace in photos or on the internet and she’d always been impressed, but seeing it in rea life was a different experience altogether.

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